-twenty six-

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my boyfie🥰

im sry :((

my sweetheart❤️
for what?

my boyfie🥰
i cant come this saturday😭😭😭

my sweetheart❤️
why :(((

my boyfie🥰
i hv a packed schedule😞😞😞

my sweetheart❤️
oh noo

make sure u eat

3 meals a day

or im coming down to the hybe building and making u eat

i'll bring food along too

my boyfie🥰
i'll eat

after that day at your house, my manager went to talk to the higher ups and fought them

my sweetheart❤️

that's what a manager should do

my boyfie🥰

u need to understand that he could be fired

my sweetheart❤️


i just dont want you to starve

my boyfie🥰
i can take care of myself now

we're getting sushi for lunch later😋😋

ni-ki's request

my sweetheart❤️

i love sushi

my boyfie🥰
everyone loves sushi

okay maybe not everyone

some arent a fan of raw food

but yes most ppl love sushi

my sweetheart❤️
there's sushi that doesnt contain raw stuff tho

my boyfie🥰

anyways, what are you doing right now?

my sweetheart❤️
reading a chem book

my boyfie🥰

my sweetheart❤️
yeah its interesting

its about organic chem

alkanes, alkenes, arenes

its cool

i know how to make tnt now

my boyfie🥰
im worried for your sanity sweetheart

my sweetheart❤️
well it never existed, so u dont have to worry

im fine

my boyfie🥰

my sweetheart❤️
oh come on wonnie

its just a little joke

my boyfie🥰
idk making a joke abt knowing how to make a bomb isnt so....

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now