story info

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art by: @hueblv on Twitter

hello everyone! I am back with another "x reader" story. but this time, it's SkyBlue from FNF. and the character in the story is gonna be different than in the game because this is gonna be an AU version of her. so yeah, let's begin with the info of Y/N & SkyBlue


- bisexual

- he/him

- quiet around people he doesn't know but is outgoing and energetic when he's around his friends

- 18 years old

- senior in high school

- born on September 3rd (Virgo)

- intelligent and has a kind personality

- doesn't really like moving into new cities or new houses

- wishes he was in a relationship with someone

- likes to listen to synth-wave / chillwave music

- doesn't like school but still gets good grades

alright, now that we have Y/N's information (which will change from time to time), let's move onto SkyBlue


- Polysexual

- she/her

- is very shy around people she doesn't know but is energetic and outgoing when she is around her friends

- 18 years old

- senior in high school

- born on August 23rd (Virgo)

- intelligent and has a caring & soft personality, but can get sensitive when her looks are being insulted

- been bullied since middle school due to how she looks and how shy she is (nobody really likes shy kids in the high school apparently) [the cover of the book and chapter is an example of what she likes to wear]

- wishes that she had someone to be her friend in school or at least someone to defend her

- likes EDM / dance music

- likes to wear comfortable clothes (hoodies, sweatpants, sweaters, etc.)

- likes anything that is fun like arcades, concerts, UNO card games, etc.

like Y/N, her information will change from time to time.

so now that we have the characters all setup, let's do the abbreviations guide.

Y/N = Your Name

M/N = Mother Name

F/N = Father Name

SkyBlue x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now