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Imaushi Wakasa's POV

"Sit down." I obliged, sitting down on the sofa while he sat on the other and we were facing eachother. He fished a box of cigarette from his pocket and gave one for me but I politely shook my head.

He nodded and unexpectedly he didn't use the cigarette at all.

He looked up at the ceiling and exhaled loudly, I was just sitting, waiting for him to ask any questions I'm ready for it, I'm aware something like this was gonna happen I know how this man loves [Y/N] .

How? Just from how even now! The fridge is still packed with his daughter's favorite ice cream flavors.

"How old are you?"

He asked, bursting my bubble of thoughts, damn [Y/N], she's here or not , she's all I'm thinking about.

I bit my lips, not wanting to hide it, if we're doing this I'm gonna do it right.

"27 sir. "

He nodded and I could see his tensed face but he remained calm. How I wish that little chubby cheeks was this calm during arguments.

"You're aware of the age gap between you and my daughter , right?"

"Yes ,sir."

"Then why? What.. Such big reason why you still dated her knowing the age gap between you two."

I sighed and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Is being in love with her a reason big enough?"

The man in front of me had his eyes wide before he nodded once again.

"What's your occupation?"

"Currently looking for a new one since I was fired from [Y/N]'s school when the principal found out a student teacher and a student were dating."

I could see it all on his face, the old man was trying his best to swallow all of this information and . In just one dinner, [Y/N]'s dad has earned my whole respect.

"[Y/N] is the only daughter I have. I love her more than anyone and I could never trade the world for her. She's my pride and joy , I'll do everything for my baby.." He sighed , standin up as he pulled some drawers and took something that looked like a picture frame and gave it to me.

My eyes went wide as I scanned the picture, her hair was short here and those big doe  eyes . She was holding a brown teddy bear while wearing a sun dress that reached her chubby feet , her hair was tied up in two pigtails and her cheeks were even chubbier here.

I would be lying if I said I didn't find her cute. Her cheeks are indeed chubby on the present but it was even chubbier before.

Adorable..' I thought.

"Yana is a good girl, I know and I can see how much she loves [Y/N], the same things goes with Baji , they love eachother, all three of them. Just seeing others loving my child makes me insecure, why? Cause I'm scared maybe those people have showed more love to [Y/N] than me; Her father."

My smile dropped , raising my eyes to meet his e/c ones, the same color as [Y/N]'s , and I was already expecting what was coming next.

"My point here Wakasa is I love my daughter so much but I'm also scared , don't take it the wrong way. I don't care about your age gap, I don't care what race you are, I don't care at all. But I've seen the way you look at her, as [Y/N]'s father I have the right to feel worry since you are my daughter's love I'm scared you'll hurt my one and only child..."

I don't know this guy. I thought I respected him already but damn this moment is something else, I never heard these words coming from both of my parents' mouth. All they cared about was Yana's grades and mine, all they cared was how we should study well to be sure our future is good , I know those actions only shows they care for us but ... never in my life have I ever saw a parent loving his child this much.

Was I strange to think of that ? Maybe. But who was to blame? I lived in constant expectations from people especially to my parents. Before [Y/N], the only person I could be my self with was when I'm with Shin and if he's not there?

I numb my self and remembering how I do it makes me sick .

"What makes you think I'll hurt her, sir?" I asked, being polite as possible, I don't know.

One, this man in front of me is my girlfriend's father. Two he's an elder, he deserves to be respected. Lastly three, [Y/N] loves this guy so I wanna be respectfuly as possible.

He smiled and sipped on his tea. "You're a good looking young man, I may be old but at that age, I know what goes through your mind as I came from that too."

I smiled , exactly knowing what he meant as I was about to proceed to talking, a glass shattering took both of us by surprise and the next thing that happened was a sound of slap coming from the kitchen.

Glass, Kitchen.. [Y/N] !!

I stood up and ran towards the kitchen, I was slightly panicking , I know how bad her relationship was with her mother which made me question stuff.

Besides [Y/N] being a literal sweetheart, she also had a kind dad so why was this woman so harsh towards her one and only child? Her dad was also following me and as I arrived to the kitchen, my eyes widened seeing [Y/N's head tilted to the side, an indication she was slapped while her mother looked at her furious.

I went to her and wrapped my arms around her immediately, she kept being silent though which only made me more nervous, I'd rather suffer dealing with her tantrums than actually seeing her in silent mode .

"Lhaide, what are you doing?!" Her father asked , grabbing his wife's hand.

"Wakasa, take [Y/N] outside for a minute, have a little walk would yo-"

He was cut off when his wife slapped his arm away and the atmosphere was tense.

How did it come to this? We were just having an amazing dinner, she and I were finally official despite the short time , I was talking happily with her father but now?


"No! I'm sick of being in this house! She invite this stupid guy for dinner! Who the fuck is this anyway?! So what?! You into pedos now, [Y/N]?! Fuck! If only I knew something like this would've happened, I wouldn't even bother seeing you!" She shouted at her husbands face.

I saw the hurt expression on his face , I somehow felt the pain before , I felt a hand gripping my shirt tightly taking me by susprise and I looked down at [Y/N], her once cute eyes were now peircing her own mother.

"Insult me, Insult me whenever, however you want..." She paused but then she shouted, pushing me to the side and marched towards her mother.

"But don't you dare insult the person I chose and my father, the only person who truly deserves so much insult is you! You keep telling me to fuck out off the house but ask me to come back cause you need cleaning! What do I do?! I come and clean it of course! You tell me to keep my grades good but what do you do to support me from doing so?! Bringing guys in the house shoving it into my face like how your shoving your tongue into other men's mouth, smoking the shit out of her lungs until she sleeps and even use my allowance for her cigarettes! Do you still want me to tell dad how you actually fucking thought I was using my body for Wakasa when you clearly don't even know me!"

Before I knew it , [Y/N]'s cheek was slapped harshly once again , I could've stopped it but I couldn't , I was frozen on my own place. I looked at her father, he was at the same state, the two women weren't the same though, they were in eachother's throat.


Silence took over us when the next few words came out from her mother's mouth and I knew things were about to get real this time surely.

"I don't need to show you any respect, I don't see any fucking reasons at all since you're just a child of one of your father's whore."

Ten Years Gap // 𝗜. 𝗪𝗮𝗸𝗮𝘀𝗮Where stories live. Discover now