happy tree friends human edition

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This is the story of the happy tree friends. If you have never watched the cartoon youll be completly lost. In each of the first chapter ill introduce the characters and once im done the story will begin. In the tv show they murder and kill each other all the tim ein the most stupidest and horrific ways. There is weird love and loyal friends.


Its a game that some sick rich man made. He chose random highschool students and shoved them into a mansion incased in a giant dome, there are lakes desserts and forests bordering the house. The objective is stay alive, but once you die your glowcom brings you back to life but only if you become there slave in return. After the two groups are settled the real battle begins to gain the key to freedom.


Judge maximum highschool

Fleets mansion- this is a three story building with over 100 diffrent rooms. The forest boarders the south, dessert to the east, water to the west, and snow to the north. There is truly noway to escape. With miles of underground tunnels and a giant dome that refuses to show sun how can people stay sain.


Over 10 so look at the other chapters :3

happy tree friends human editionWhere stories live. Discover now