घूँघट घुँटे तो घूँघट उठे• (When the veil gives suffocation, it rises up)

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Abandon this veil
she chimed with a shrill
forming a caim orb of her
suffocation inside the veil.

But the caim was less powerful
and hence broke
like her glass heart,
into shattered pieces.

The people at helm failed
failed to acumen
and sued her.

She cried the rainbow
which deserves
more than seven colours.

She wanted to percolate
out from this darkness
by percolating the darkness
from those block head
and to become a mentor of gallad.

She opened the veil of
the windows
for a new hope to come
in with some light,
to give volume to the muffled.

She is suffocated in the
veil and hence she opens
it to take new and fresh breath.
She opens the veil of narrow mindedness.


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