7.No choice

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Hello Bo-Bo...😈

Youu! Why are you calling me? 😠

See! I gave it a thought...what a great connection we have? Even you recognized me just by my voice...

Of course how could I forget a devil's voice Xiao Zhan....

Haha...oh now I'm devil 😈

Listen you have free time then go somewhere else...because I don't have time for your rubbish...

Aha don't you dare to cut my call...I hate it...by the way I called you to inform you about your sister; I'm sure you know she went for auditions....I just wanna told you that she is in dangerr😈

The danger word Zhan said left a impression on Yibo. And the other one cut the call. Yibo was worried 😟 for his jie but what about his father...his mind went blank but he managed to call his mom...

Hello Bobo what happened baby everything alright?

Hello omma can you come to hospital...I have an emergency and I need to go so can you....

Okay I'm coming in twenty minutes just wait there....

Okay mom take care...

Yibo was thinking about his jie...he tried calling her many times but her mobile was switched off. He was convincing himself that *jie is alright, everything is going to be fine *

After 25 minutes his mom came to hospital.

Bobo what happened?

Nothing mom just stay here ....I'll come back...

Saying that Yibo left.

Oh Bo-Bo...you know nothing...now I'm loving it..playing with you it's interesting...don't you think Yubin.

Yeah 😬

What's with this expression?

Nothing Zhan... I'm just thinking why are you so into this...I mean Yibo...

Actually I want revenge for the insult and humiliation I went through because of that Yibo... Now he'll be a puppet in my hands...

But I really don't think it's a good idea 😕

Dear Yubin you don't need to think about that just do as I said...

Ok 😮‍💨
Yibo reached at the location where auditions were supposed to happen but there was no one...
When he asked to receptionist she told him that audition location is changed and she don't have any idea about new location...

Yibo had no idea where should he go or who could tell him about his jie...he was worried as hell when his mobile rang...



Omma !! What happened why are you crying 😦

Bobo doctors stopped operation of your appa...

W-what? But why?

I don't know much but they said they need some equipment and machines and also blood but we can't afford that...

how can they do that? They didn't told anything like that in advance and now in the middle of operation....

Yibo was at the verge of crying 😢 he cut the call and almost fell on ground but a call again...


Oh Bo-Bo! I guess you are crying... right?

What you want?
Yibo said sounding a bit normal suppressing his sobs because he didn't want to show Zhan that he is weak....

I....don't want anything.. I got a news that you are searching for your sister, I heard she is missing; and also about your so called father that doctors left his operation halfway....

I know that you did this...

Oh baby you are blaming me...

No I'm sure everything that is happening with my family...you are behind all this...
You know what you are a sick, disgusting and psycho ...

Ok ok calm down Bo-Bo...now you know then I'll give you a choice...
Afterall choice is yours---

On the otherside on call Yibo gritted his teeth...he was well aware that he left with no choice...in this situation he need help to protect his family.
Willingly or unwillingly he had left with no other choice.


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