-twenty seven-

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Jungwon yawned and turned around in bed, eyes still closed. He was being prodded awake by someone, but he was way too tired to bother. He wanted to sleep more. He snuggled his blanket even closer and kept his eyes shut.

"Yang Jungwon, wake up or you won't get pancakes." The sound of his girlfriend's voice and the word 'pancakes' was enough to get him to sit up, half-lidded eyes staring into space. He let out another cat-like yawn and turned to look at Jihye, who was still wearing his hoodie but seemed refreshed already. Then he grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto the bed, hugging her from the back.

"You know, Ni-ki is going to eat all the pancakes."

"Then I'll get some food from the Hybe cafe. I want snuggles."

"You had snuggles all night."

"But I did not wake up with snuggles, so snuggles I shall have."

"Okay, but 5 minutes. It's already 8am."

"It's only 8am. I want more sleep."

"I thought you're the early bird here?"

"I've been worn out a lot lately, sweetheart." Jungwon closed his eyes and snuggled in Jihye's shoulder.

"Yah Jungwon wake- Oh.... Uh, bye." Heeseung appeared and immediately disappeared, closing the door behind him. Jihye started laughing while Jungwon sat there with a pout.

"Okay, time to get up, Jungwon-ah." Jungwon frowned.

"Why don't you use pet names?"

"Like what?"

"Babe, baby, darling, jagi, or I don't know, even wonnie is fine." Jihye's cheeks flushed red.

"I like your name. Jungwon-ah. Jungwon-ie. It rolls off the tongue really nicely."

"But still." Jungwon whined and hugged her tightly.

"Okay, okay, wonnie, it's time to get up now."

"Aw, fine." He reluctantly let go of Jihye, pouting. Jihye patted his fluffy hair before she headed out of the room. Jungwon huffed before he walked out as well to join the others for breakfast.

"Look who's finally awake." Ni-ki said, voice slightly muffled as his mouth was stuffed with pancakes.

"Gosh, swallow before talking." Jungwon nagged.

"I was under the impression that only Heeseung hyung was the mom here. Since when did you become the mom too?" Ni-ki continued teasing. Jungwon sent him a playful glare before he took some pancakes for himself and started eating.

"Jungwon, we have dance practice in an hour. Hurry eat, wash up and we can go." Their manager said.


"What happens to me?" Jihye asked.

"You can tag along to the building, but the higher ups don't know Jungwon is dating, so we need another identity for you."

"What if she poses as my cousin?" Heeseung asked.

"That could work." Jungwon nodded.

"Okay then. You'll introduce yourself as Heeseung's cousin. And do act like actual cousins who are close enough that she knows you are an idol. Now, hurry eat and go shower." Their manager tapped Jungwon's shoulder. Jungwon nodded and started chewing faster.

"Don’t choke on your food." Jihye said. Jungwon just nodded, mouth too full to speak. His cheeks had puffed up, making him look like a chipmunk. Jihye fought the urge to laugh, but failed. This earned a whine from the boy.

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now