Zane hits his brother (L)

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Zack sat at the kitchen table, pen in hand, while the other hand rested on his head. He had another 2 hours before his brother got home to complete his poem, but felt like every idea had already been done. Continuously writing one thing down before scribbling it out, over and over. He stared at the paper before sighing in frustration.
"I'll finish it later." He mumbled to himself. He got up, heading to his room to get his jacket. Looking at the clock, it read 7:34. He still had awhile before his brother got back. With that, he walked out, locking the door behind him. Unfortunately for him, his brother, Zane, would be heading back home sooner than expected.

After Zane banned gay marriage, his life at work has been hell. What went from something as simple as people flipping him off, to now him having body guards to escort him to his office, now with the risk of him being beaten.

"Packing up early sir?" Said Delilah, walking in on Zane putting papers away in a folder. Ignoring her, he continued packing up his stuff.
"Ahem, so did you"-
"I heard you the first time Delilah, can you stop asking questions now?" He said, pushing her out the way and slamming the door behind him. His body guards followed behind him as he walked home. When Zane arrived they wished him a good night and left, although he didn't do the same.

"Zack, I'm home." He said, but to no reply. He rolled his eyes, and walked to his brothers room.
"Zack!" He yelled again, banging on his brothers door. Once again, no reply. He rolled his eyes and headed to his room. He took off his shoes and placed them next to his door, before slipping into something more comfortable. Heading to the kitchen, he sees a book lying on the table.

"I didn't know he could read." He thought smiling to himself, picking up the book. However, his smile soon faded once he opened it. He gripped the book tightly, leaving markings on the cover, before slamming it down on the table. Zack soon walked in the house with a bag of food in his hand. As he looked up, he was surprised to see his brother home so early.

"Your home early."

"Well its not safe staying so late at work."

"And whos fault is that?" Zack spat, trying to walk around his brother.

"Whats this?" Zane stood in-front of him holding up the book. Zack stood still for a moment before trying to take the book from his hands.

"Its mine, give it back!" He yelled, as Zane held the book out of his reach.

"I have to admit, I didn't think your hand writing was any good! But for a silly little story? That's just embarrassing!"

"I said give it back!" Zack grabbed onto Zanes shoulders, trying to climb his way up to the book, before Zane pushed him off. Ignoring his brother, Zane opened the book.

"Gosh this is so boring. All you write about is how you feel. Is this a book or some diary? You know your too old for that right?" Zane smiled and Zack rolled his eyes.

"Its not a diary, its a book for my poems. Why do you care anyways. You never care about what I do." He mumbled.

"Of course I care, your my brother."

"Bullshit, you only care when it makes you look bad!" Zane rolled his eyes.

"Maybe you dont care about your reputation because whatever was left of it is long gone, but I care about mine. I'm not gonna let you ruin it because you wanna be some little Edgar Allan Poe writing your feelings thinking anyone cares." He spat, slamming the book shut.

"Just because you dont like it doesnt mean anyone wouldnt care." He said as Zane kept walking away.

"Mom would care."

Zane stopped and the air fell cold.

"I thought we both agreed not to talk about her. Out of all the things I ask you to do, why cant you respect that one thing?"

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