-twenty eight-

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"Don't gooooo." Jungwon whined as he clung onto Jihye, who was preparing to leave the Hybe building after lunch.

"Jungwon, it's 2pm. My parents want me home for dinner, and Haera wants to go shopping a bit and get some coffee as well." Jihye tried to reason with her baby of a boyfriend, but Jungwon sat there with a pout, giving her the puppy eyes.

"Look, I'll video call you after dinner, okay?"

"But I won't get to see you for a whole week. More than that actually, because I have no idea when I'll be free to go to a cafe. We have a packed schedule for. I won't get to see you at all." He started whining again, causing Ni-ki to shut himself in the recording booth with Sunoo.

"Well, I'll visit you before then, okay. So let me go now, Jungwon."

"Call me wonnie and I'll let you go."


"Then I won't let you go."

"Alright, wonnie-ah, I have to go, okay? I'll see you tomorrow. I'll skip school just for you, okay?" She patted his head and gave him a tight hug, before he finally let her go.

After the door to the studio closed behind her with a click, Jungwon was left sulking, hugging a pillow to replace the empty spot left by his girlfriend.

"What a simp." Ni-ki said as he made a gagging noise and covered himself with his hoodie. Sunoo had chased him out of the recording room.

"Jungwon has serious attachment issues." Jay said.

"What? No I don't." Jay just gave him a look and raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, maybe I'm a little attached."

"Not a little, a whole lot. Dude, I know you like her, but both of you need your own space too." Jake said.

"Okay, okay, I know. I'll work on it." Jungwon puffed his cheeks up and checked his phone. Heeseung grabbed it away.

"Yah hyung!"

"Let's start with, stop checking your phone all the time."

"Okay, fine."

"Next is, stop clinging on to her everytime she's with you."

"Aw, but I like hugs."

"Hugs is fine, but you can't be hugging her the whole time."

"Okay, I get it."

"Another thing is, please find something to do in your free time besides chatting with her."

"Okay, fine. But what can I do?"

"Play some games? Draw?"

"I suck at drawing."

"Uh, gardening? Jungwon-ing. Haha."

"Haha, very funny."


"Oh my gosh, just stop. I'll figure it out myself. Anyways, we might be too busy for 'free time'."

"Okay~ Haha, Jungwon-ing."

"Oh my gosh hyung-"

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150iq but still stupid

i feel bad for leaving jungwon

weird ass sun

btch hes ur boyfriend u'll see him again

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now