Untitled Part 1

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The bar was dimly lit, bright lights concentrated on the small stage rather than the tables gathered. A bead of sweat slipped down the forehead of the man performing to tinkly music as though from a music box. Cards, juggling pins, whips, knives... The works.

Hisoka's gaze remained towards the audience while his hands twitched upwards to catch the four pins he'd sent flying up in the air. He caught them with ease, letting his head fall back as applause rose from those watching. Every crowd was more or less the same, but it paid his bills without being too predictable. Besides, show business was all he was really good at anyways.

It was as he was coming up from a low bow that he saw her.. A woman way at the back eyeing him in a way he found intriguing. When she noticed him staring back she didn't smile or look away shyly. She watched him with eyes darker than he'd ever seen. With difficulty he tore his own eyes away, making his way backstage.

"Good turn out tonight— Sound's like your act was a hit, Amorou," commented a man undoing his bowtie in the dressing room. Hisoka nodded distantly, mind still on that woman sitting at the bar.

"I'm heading out for a smoke.. Leave my bag where it is." The man nodded as Hisoka slipped out of the shabby building. As he opened the back door, he paused, immediately laying eyes on the woman with the dark eyes as she leaned against the brick building. He watched as she lit up a cigarette, not paying any attention to his presence. He slowly closed the back door, stepping a little closer. It was only then that her eyes moved to him. She took a long drag of her cigarette, not saying a word.

"Nice night for a smoke— Hope you don't mind me joining you." She raised her eyebrows, shaking her head.

"Do whatever you like.." She murmured. She had a deeper voice than he would have imagined— He often took people home after his shows to loosen up, but it wasn't often that he found someone that he was so intrigued by. There was something about her that seemed to tug at the corners if his mind.

"Mind if I borrow your lighter a moment, doll?" There was a moment of silence where golden eyes met black ones before she tossed him a lighter, shaking her head.

"Watch who you're callin' doll, pierrot..." Hisoka raised an eyebrow. The stranger looked away, scoffing. "I may look like the women I'm sure you're used to taking home, but I assure you I'm not."

Hisoka stared a moment before it clicked. He gave a long whistle before nodding.

"Could've fooled me, darling.."

"Mhm.. Now don't be all night with that lighter."

Hisoka nodded, quickly lighting his own cigarette before handing the lighter back.

"My apologies... wrong of me to assume— Hisoka Amorou, at your service." The stranger looked him up and down before slipping the lighter back into his purse.

"You sure do know how to captivate an audience.. One of the only times I've been truly impressed by a magician"

"You flatter me-"

"Mhm.. Anyways, no point flirting with me now that you know I'm not a woman now is there.." At that Hisoka smiled, raising an eyebrow at the stranger.

"Who said I don't swing both ways?" At that, the man in the black dress paused, looking over at him. There was a long silence before he sighed.

"Get your things while I finish this.." He murmured, holding up his cigarette. Well Hisoka didn't need telling twice. He made his way inside, gathering his things with haste. When he made it back outside he saw the man gesturing to follow him.

As they walked through the back alleys, Hisoka sighed,

"So do I get to put a name to your pretty face, darling?"

For a moment he thought the other was ignoring him. Then he heard the man clear his throat.


Hisoka smiled widely, staring at the back of the strangers head.

"Illumi? How lovely..."

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