Leaving 🖤

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............Author's Pov............

Now Ohm was standing infront of his bedrooms large window drowning himself in alcohol. Then again someone hugged him from behind tightly.....but this time he didn't pushed that person hands away because he knew that person very well.

but this time he didn't pushed that person hands away because he knew that person very well

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"I'm might be dreaming right........ because real Nanon will never come to me.... and hug me like this......if this is my dream then I don't wanna wake up for rest of my life" Ohm said bitterly smiling holding Nanon's both hands.... which was circling around his stomach... he started caressing Nanon's hands with his thumbs.

"Yes... you are dreaming... and I'm here to take advantage of you.......stop drinking otherwise your health will be affected" Nanon said in low tone while burying his face on his back.

"I want to ask you one thing Nanon.....why can't you love me" Ohm asked turning towards Nanon grabbing his both hands close to his chest.... they both were standing too close that their noses were almost touching looking into eachother's eyes with longing.

"Who said I don't love you Phi Ohm......I always loved since childhood... you are my first crush... and my hero.....I love you.....I love so much... that I can't live without you" Nanon said tearing up looking straight into Ohm's eyes.

"No...No... I'm dreaming......this can't be true....you are not real Nanon....I think... I'm hallucinating this can't be true...." Before Ohm could say anything further..... Nanon smashed his lips on his to shut his mouth with a kiss.

Ohm still can't able to believe that Nanon is kissing him first time.....he was just standing there numb...... when Nanon saw that Ohm is standing there and not responding to his kiss.....he immediately pulled him by his collar and start kissing him roughly sucking his lips aggressively....... snapping Ohm from his thoughts. When Ohm came to his senses he grabbed Nanon's waist tightly with his left hand... pulling him more close.....staring into his eyes intensely....he smashed his lips on his kissing him hungrily while grabbing his nape with his right hand. They both kissing eachother non-stop while making all kisses sound.

They both ended their kiss with a pop sound......while forming a thick string of saliva. They both joined their forehead's together while breathing heavily... tears were falling from their eyes.....Ohm immediately hugged Nanon tightly while burying his face on his neck inhaling his warm scent.... which he was missing for years. And Nanon hugging him back tightly feeling safe in Ohm's arms.....but then he noticed that Ohm got passed out.

He quickly carried him... while circling Ohm's arm around his neck and wrapping his hand around Ohm's waist tightly.... walking straight towards his bed. He carefully took off Ohm's coat and open few buttons of his shirt laying him down comfortably in his bed...and  covered him with his blanket.

"I love you Sir.....I always loved you.....If there is a second life... then we will meet again... will you wait for me" Nanon aksed tearing up caressing his cheekbones and kissing Ohm's forehead tenderly. Then he left from there while picking the file from the table. Tears also start rolling down from Ohm's closed eyes.


...........Kirdapan's House......... 🏠

"But Dad.....I don't wanna go there..... please Dad... don't do this to me.....I want to live with you guys please.... don't separate me from you" Nanon said pleading....with teary eyes.....He and Dew both were standing infront of Khun.... who was sitting on the living room's sofa with poker face.... while Davika was standing beside him feeling pity towards his son.

 while Davika was standing beside him feeling pity towards his son

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"ENOUGH...... DON'T DARE TO ARGUE WITH ME....GOT IT.....here take this your passport and... tommorow's flight ticket......you both are leaving and that's final......NOW LEAVE...... after knowing about that the servant became your Boss I will not let him come near you" Khun said in deadly voice glaring at Nanon with bloodshot eyes.

"But Dad he is engaged with Tu now....and next week they are going to marry eachother" Nanon said convincing his stubborn father.

"I don't care.... both of you go and start packing...... you are going to France to live with Jirawat's family" said Khun firmly.

Khun was trying very hard to maintain his cool..... he hates Ohm very much.....on the other hand Nanon doesn't want to leave Ohm... but his father is right.. because as long as he stay infront of his eyes.....Ohm will never be able to move on from him...... Meanwhile Dew was standing beside Nanon being all pissed because his father behaving like a jerk.

But they are were unaware of the person.....who was standing infront of the door listening their whole conversation with full hatred towards Khun and Davika.

"Now enough is enough I will not gonna shut my mouth anymore.....I hate you Mr.&Mrs. Kirdapan" said the person with hatred while dialing someone's number.

........🗣️...ON CALL...📳.........

"Where are you I want to meet you right now..... come to pick me up I'm sending you address" said the person while walking away from there silently.

"What's the matter Nong Love....is everything all right" asked the other person on the call worriedly.

"Nothing is alright...and by the way...why didn't you inform me about Phi Ohm's engagement WHY" asked the person none other than Love kirdapan angrily.....she was walking towards the exit gate while holding her luggage.

......Next Day.......

Ohm woke up with an headache... he still thinks that everything was his dream... and didn't remember anything clearly..... He was done with his morning routine and now he is getting ready because today he have a important meeting with some clients.....then he heard a knocking sound on his door.

......Knock....... Knock........

"Come in" he said while buttoning up his suit......at first he thought that his diver had come but when his gaze shifted towards that person standing infront of his door through the mirror.....he got shocked.

"Love" he mumbled himself while turning towards Love and Korn they both standing there with serious expressions.

"I need tell you something......that why Phi Nanon rejected you that day" Love said with poker face while Korn was standing there with his head down in guilt.

"What do you mean......why..... ofcourse because I used to be your servant" Ohm said with cold voice but deep inside he was eagerly waiting for the real reason.

"Because he wanted to save your life from Mr. Khun Kirdapan......do you remember when you and Phi Korn talking about that.... you are going to confess your feelings to Phi Nanon..... that time you both were not alone.... someone else was also hiding their.... secretly listening to your whole conversation.... and he immediately told Mr. Khun about this" Love said angrily while clenching her fist tightly.

"WHAT" Ohm aksed while looking at Love and Korn perplexed.


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