8.Death Certificate

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Yibo was in a dilemma...
Now what am I supposed to do? God please help me...



So are you coming Bo-Bo?


Goood boi....I'll text you address come soon I'm waiting Bo-Bo...

Yibo received a text, he stopped a taxi 🚕 and told the driver about address he was going.
Zhan was in his vanity with Yanli.

Look miss Yanli I know you think I'm wrong but believe me that was an accident.
And about news i don't know who did that...

But I know very well you are the one n only who created this mess.

Ok you think like that then I'm ready to apologize in front media.

After that he came out from his vanity and there was cameraman who was waiting for him...

Here I Xiao Zhan apologizing from Mr. Li for accidentally hurting him and also Mr. Wang Yibo for his loss. I want to tell you all that we should not put our nose in someone else's family matter. Thank you

Saying that infront of cameras Zhan gave contract papers to Yanli...

What is this?

You are selected for the role in this movie but you have to wait till tomorrow.

O-ok, thanks....

Zhan left from there. Yanli was amused because not only Zhan sincerely said sorry but also help her in getting role in movie.

Bobo he is not that bad why do you hate him that much..?
It took almost 1hour to reach at the location where Zhan asked Yibo to come.

Yibo entered inside room more like abandoned room or should say garage. He was looking around when a voice startled him...

Welcome Welcome Mr Bo-Bo,

Zhan was sitting on a chair crossing his legs with his smirk in spot light...

Why do you asked me to come at a shabby place like this?
A-and where is my jie?

Oh Bo-Bo! She is fine wherever she is?

He came near Yibo and held his jaw..

Now think about yourself...how you'll go out from here..

Yibo was terrified 😨 by the chilling aura around Zhan. His jaw was hurting because of tight grip.

What do you want?

I want nothing Bo-Bo...you are the one who want something from me, you are in the situation where you have one n only way, to agree with me 😈

Ah I know you did all this so please stop this and let go my jie,,

I didn't stop her she was the one who willingly came to meet me and I have a surprise for you guess what... I'm ready to help you with your father's treatment but as you know give and take rule...

Y-you can do that?

Ofcourse...just for you Bo-Bo..

What I have to do?
Yibo said weakly...but zhan was enjoying the scene...righteous and fearless Yibo was helpless in front of him...
Zhan made a call to someone...

Yibo looked towards Zhan.

Done! I mean your father's operation is started...now its your turn...

Yibo sigh a bit feeling relaxed because at least now his father will be fine...but as he remember about his sister;

What about my jie?

Oh Bo-Bo, she is fine and in hospital with your mom...so stop worrying about others and think about yourself.

Ok! What you want me to do in exchange?

As you know I the Xiao Zhan believe in rule eye for eye then I want life for life...

Wh-what do you mean by life?

Oh Don't worry; I'm not going to kill you...as you see I'm not that cruel although you call me devil...😈
But by life for life means you have to give me your life...


Just sign this death certificate of yours?


Yubin who was there standing with certificate and papers came near zhan and hand over him papers and certificate.

Here sign these papers.

Zhan gave papers to Yibo. As soon as Yibo saw the papers...he was shocked...

Marriage Papers? Are you mad? You want me to marry with youuu? I don't agree!!!
He blurted out....

I don't think you have any other choice Bo-Bo or should I make a call to stop operation 🤔

Yibo was silent......of course he left with no other choice. But he was hating the fact that he came to ask help from someone who was reason of everything happened in his life.

B-but you said Death Certificate!?

Yeah Bo-Bo this certificate is no better than that so ready?

Yubin was also surprised with the decision Zhan made but he was not sure about saying anything because of Zhan's anger so he remained silent and was watching them...

Where's the pen?

Yubin gave him a pen and Yibo signed the papers without saying anything anymore...


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