Chapter One

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It was a cold brisk night. I'm just sitting on roof top police sirens blaring under me. I look down to see the electrical wires and police cars. I rub my eyes and yawn. I get up and I hear footsteps from behind me. It was getting louder from each step they took. I slowly turn around. I see a police officer behind me. "This is Tokyo police put your hand up Shiro Mozzie for escaping prison and 55 counts of murder on the first degree as well several Drug charges" a cop said. "Come down from there make sure you die in prison then here you dirty scum" a detective said. I step back slowly going back. They step forward, their gun pointed at me. I smile at them. " Are going to shot not being unarmed and I'm about to kill myself, so be so cruel" I said my tone of voice sound dead when I spoke. My body felt numb. "Get down from there, maybe we can work up a deal" the detective's little partner says and looks at the detective. "Remember on his record he does have some mental illness, we can put him somewhere for it" I start laughing. "WOW that sounds FUN NOT I'm not that sick in the head" I say "I feel like the detective doesn't want any of this. He might as well kill me see me then wait until I get executed just because I killed his little wife that owed some money" The detective steps forward. Looking angry at me like he wants to kill me for real but laughs it off. I step backwards "SEE YOU ALL IN HELL" I yell out, leaning backwards and flip them off before I fall. The fall felt nice for little until something was the cable. I heard a snap and buzzing noise, then I felt a shock going through my whole body. This was the worst pain ever felt in my life. I almost passed out and then broke more. I start falling again. My head starts spinning and everything goes black. Pain rushes through my body. The pain felt like torture over my body. Until it stopped my body went cold and the air was dry. All I could see was darkness. I walk but don't feel like I am moving. I was just walking in an empty abyss. It was off putting like something was off. As I kept walking it felt like it was walking for many days or weeks. The loneliness was getting to me at this point. It was AWFUL. I was going insane at this point as I walked in this dark empty place. Walking wasn't even better. I start to hear whispers. They get louder every time I walk further into this place, Louder they get more voices coming into my head telling me things. Tell terrible things. It was driving me insane. I couldn't take it there to tell me to kill me self again and how useless I am. The voice degraded me until the point I wasn't walking anymore. I was lying down crying, whimpering from their words, wanting them to stop. I tried to yell out in this void to make them stop but I couldn't speak at all. Only whimpers and cries are all I could make. I couldn't even scream. I just cried left to my thoughts and the voices in this place I call Hell.

It felt like a month or more since I appeared here. I couldn't feel anything, my body was numb more than it was in the beginning. I stopped crying after a while, like I was lost, having no emotion. The voice kept going. I was already off the clip of insanity. My body corrupted into the darkness slowly like this hell was eating my soul from the inside out. Even if I close my eyes it will always be dark. I couldn't even feel anything even if I wanted to. I'm like an empty vessel waiting for a soul to come to take over my body. The voices were screaming at me until I heard a new voice. A soothing female voice. She starts saying my name. That voice is blocking out the other.

She was like an angel saving me from this place. Her present was calming. " Mozzie do shall want me to help thou," the female voice says.  I nod my head in response to the voice. Some emotion came back to me and it was hope. "I shall help if thou shall make a contract with me" the voices say. I nod my head again, tears fall down my face. I sat up and felt a presence behind me but I couldn't move to look behind me. "I am thou and thou shall help the damned who will walk the living world forever. When thou die Thou shall rest the world again and start a new. Be in the hand of her truly. The queen of the forsaken and the sinful. I Lilith bring you back to life. Is it a deal?" The voice says to me. I nod my head once again. The energy in this place changed. It felt more awful than a bit ago and felt unholy and dark. How was this voice this present behind me? Felt something impaling me. I looked down and saw that there was a black spike through my chest. The darkness slowly covers my legs and the spike does the same. I hear laughing all around me. It was sickening to the ear. My body was almost fully taken by the darkness. It was heavy and suffocating. I couldn't even tell what my body was anymore, until they covered my eyes. There was terrible pain on my head and my lower back. It was a burning feeling. I thought this feeling would keep going but it stopped after a while. "My lovely pawn thou appear in the middle realm and shall not go back to the first mortal realm this for still part thou punishment" The female voices say to me. Then everything went quiet.

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