chaper one 😉 (the pruge)

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Morning -

William D'amato woke up and sighed. He immediately reached fro his phone and texted Grant Walter Morgan.
"Heyyy" William
"yoo wspp" Grant
"Okay so, not to vent or anything, but im SOOOO over being single!! I mean, ive been craving and BURNING to be touched by a man!!!"  William
"Sameee dudee... I mean, theres this SUPER cute guy that I work with and lets just say.. I hes really attractive.. Like i kudt wanna kidnap him and lock him in my basement.. forever. " Grant
"LOL 🤣. Maybe you should get those possesive thoughts xecked out man. Anyway, im gonna get ready; I have to go to work soon." William
"Dude are you seriously rn. Weave been fwends for like 82 years man, and not ONCE have I walked oat on you on a sentence. UN-BE- lieveable man." Grant
"dudeee calm deownn!!! Anyway, im just gotta get to me work man" William

William got up and happily and skipped to his bathroom.
"Hmmm... which toothpaste do I use today..? My little pony, trolls, or shopkins? Trolks for sure; man I wish they gave ne branch instead of poppy.."
William brushed his teeth happily, making sure to get every last tooth. He then grabbed his favorite face wash and went to scrubbin. After he finished scrubbin his face, went to moisturize and get ready.
"Hm... what should i wear today.. pastel skirt and a white turtleneck, or blue jeans and a pastel shirt.. Hm... first option!"
After William got ready he put on his gay socks and light up jojo siwa sketchers and mourned her death for a solid three minutes.. Then he went to work.
William walked into work and sat his stuff on the table and then he saw one of his sgudents walk in.
"woahh willy.. wacha got goin on there...suprised you didnt wear those EYESORE of cats ears and a tail" - one of his special ed students
William immediately frowned and turned to face his student. when he turned around, he saw so many more students than he expected.
"Oh, well.. hey class," he said really unenthusiastically
"um.. so today is uh.. legs just wait for Ms. Jackoson,"
As soon as William finished that sentance, his biggest fan walmed in, sarah. Sarah was one of his special ed students. She was.. lets just say she has issues.
"Oh, hey sarah! how're you doi-"
Before mr d'amato could finish his sentanxe, sarah grappled him in a really strong hug.
As sarah got off of him, she had a odd look on her face.
"Sarah, why the long face? Is somethong wrong? You were so happy just a sec ag-"
As William finished that sentance, sarah IMMEDIATELY threw her guts up on Williams white turtleneck. Luckily ms jackoson walked in and helped sarah. William walked out after gagging and grabbing a bunch of paper towels. "I cant BELIEBE sarah thew up on me.. I mean, come on. Have some DECENCY.." He said while shottinv his pangs. He continued to attempt to wipe off the throw up off his shart. when he got back downstairs, he went to the lost and found area and looked flr a new shirt in tbe 8th grade section. "Hey, i mean atleast the eighth graders here are much taller than me. i mean, imagine being 13 and you are 6'3.. come one neow, what do I do to get those genes." He then grabbed another white shirt, and wemt to put it on ans then went backstairs. When he went back in the classroom, he immediately saw ms jackoson yelling at sarah for PISSING ON THE FLOOR??? He saw sarah peeing on the floor thrw her pants and shitting a little while she does it.. Ms jackolantern sent him BACK downstairs to grab more paper towels to clean up sarahs piss and shit from the back of the classroom. As he walked downstairs in a depressive manner, his skirt was flowing in the wind. As he got back downstairs, not lookinh where he was going, he bumbsd into somone.. A man..  He looked up and saw a emo looking guy..

Ton be cucumber

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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