A 'Hopeful' Future? (Part 1)

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-August 31, 2014; 6:30 A.M.-

Nashi Toso looked at her friend since middle school also known as Kiyotaka Ishimaru as he adjusted his red armband that read 'public morals' over his school uniform sleeve. His determined red eyes dead focused on looking presentable for both his and her first day at Hope's Peek Academy. She still couldn't believe they were both accepted but was more grateful than anything. The moment both their letters, Nashi practically screamed for joy when she was alone. Her dreams of continuing to work alongside him was coming true and what better way to do so by attending Japan's most prestigious academy?

"They should have our bags already there. Let's head out, we should get there early, so we explore the school's halls." Kiyotaka said in a calm, yet stern tone.

"Right. Let's go!" Nashi nodded as she strapped her wooden kendo sword on her back, wearing the female version of their old school's uniform, holding something behind her back.

Nashi looked at the small bag in her hands. Wrapped in tissue paper was a pin that she had custom made, it was shaped like a star with a ribbon attached and written in kanji was the word 鉛 ('lead' in Japanese). He could lead the world to greatness she believed, and she was willing to follow him no matter what. She looked up at his determined straight posture as he walked forward, his blazing red eyes never looking away from his destination ahead. She walked slightly closer, her pinkie about t wrap around his, she would've sworn she saw a red ribbon around both their pinkies. Suddenly he stopped, making her stop as well and instantly she felt small, maybe she was intimated.

"Kiyo-" Nashi began only to gasp as he turned to her, his determination was blazing as bright as his ruby red eyes.

"We have arrived." Kiyotaka said as he looked up at the school before turning to Nashi who took a few steps back.

"Y-Yea." Nashi said before looking up at the school; it was as luxurious as the brochure had shown; this was the place where their futures were about to begin, her bluish eyes widened as he took a step toward the open gate. "Wait!"

Kiyotaka stopped. "What is it Nashi-chan?" 

Nashi gulped and held out the small the tiny bag. "H-Happy birthday Kiyo-kun!" Her face turned redder than his eyes, a gentle summer breeze blew between then, fluttering her long skirt as she averted her glance down. "I know we haven't celebrated since we first met, but-" She finally looked up, "it's a big day for us both...so I thought..."

Kiyotaka bowed before opening the bag, giving a small gasp. "Thank-you Nashi-chan!" Nashi took the pin and went to attach it to his uniform. "I cannot wear it now! Perhaps another time."

Nashi flinched lightly, holding in her tears and swallowed. "R-Right...of course." She placed the pin in the bag again, giving it to him. 

"Right! Now onward we go!" Kiyotaka shouted as he took a step forward with Nashi right beside him.

Instantly the two of them felt a wave of dizziness and tugging making them gasp in agony. Nashi tried to draw her sword; she couldn't let her best friend be endangered. Sadly each step she took just made it worse. She wanted to hold her head in hopes to ease the pain, but her mind was still on Kiyotaka. She reached out to him, he looked like a blur of black and white with some red. Her blue eyes rolled back as she fell, her body landing on the floor next to her best friend's. 

"Ki...yota...ka..." Nashi whispered in her unconscious state, the guilt of unable to protect Kiyotaka was heavier than the darkness that seemed to consume her.

The two were taken away before anyone could see what happened. The two were placed in separate rooms that looked classrooms, but full of empty seats and iron plates covering what could be the windows. It didn't help that there also cameras watching their every move. About ten minutes later, the two woke up to find a brochure on the desk they were placed on, along with being alone. Fear engulfed Nashi and Kiyotaka as their friend who was once at their side was no longer there.

"Kiyotaka!?" Nashi shouted as she rushed out of her room, not caring if she dropped the brochure, and failed to realize her sword was taken as well.

"Nashi-chan?!" A familiar voice said in the hallway making Nashi gasp and turn, running toward the sound.

"Kiyo-" Nashi cried as she saw him making her rush toward him only to skid to a stop as his hand stretched out to her.

"Nashi Toso! You are in one of Japan's most prestigious academies! You must not run in the hall!" Kiyotaka expressed before frowning as he was hugged by her. "H-Hey now it's alright."

"I was worried...I'm so sorry." Nashi remarked, pulling away from him. "Where do we go from here?"

Kiyotaka pulled out a brochure, one that Nashi left behind. Both could see the letter that appeared to be written in red crayon. It instructed them to be in the gym at 8 A.M. and upon checking his watch, Kiyotaka concluded that they would be thirty minutes early. After their hearts steadied and they relaxed, the two walked toward the gym in silence. Nashi was relieved to be by his side again, but something still didn't settle with her. Finally, they made it to double doors leading to the gym where they saw a few other young adults already there. In the back of the gym there was an empty stage with a podium with the school's symbol as well as chairs facing the said stage. 

"Kiyo-kun..." Nashi whispered as she looked around almost scared-like. "Why-"

"Follow your advice you gave me back in middle school Nashi." Kiyotaka responded simply as a few more people came in. "Have hope and work hard for the future you want."

Nashi blushed brightly as she thought as she looked at him, everything/everyone else appeared to be a blur, non-existence, the red string as clear day on his left pinkie making her smile lightly as she thought to herself. "You are my future Kiyotaka."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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