Freddy x reader just because

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Y'all pls help me it's 12:30 AM I need sleep.

I finished my Maintenance shift at Freddy Fazbears Pizzaplex and headed towards Freddy's room "Wassup fazass" I called out to him, heading into his room "Y/n! Watch your language!" He yelled quietly "Well the beasts aren't here, and it's passed closing time so it doesn't matter." I stated "you still shouldn't swear, someone might hear you," I gave up arguing with freddy, it was no use. "Whatever Fazass. What do you want to do? I finished my shift early."

He shrugged and just went over to his Vanity. "Cmon Fredbear! It'll be fun, we could play fazerblast! Or Monty golf?!" I said excitedly "I guess I could go for a round of Fazer blast.." he said with a small smile forming on his face "Yess! Fazbear isn't such a fazass after all!" I said almost yelling, dragging him over to Fazerblast "Language!" I heard him growl slightly

I walked into fazerblast with my fazerblast in one hand and my helmet on my head. The guy in the spreaders began to talk. "5. 4. 3. 2. 1....START!" He said on the speakers. I Ran as fast as I could to a small hiding spot in the corner. I heard footstep coming nearer so I tried to be as quiet as possible and get my Fazerblast ready to shoot. Freddy walked straight past me, not even seeing me.

I got up and started to run the way he came from, so maybe it would take him longer to come and find me. Right before I got in my hiding spot to duck down, *BEEP* my vest beeped, signaling someone has shot me. I turn around to see Freddy and get my gun up and aim at him. I think it was a glitch because now he only had one heart left and we start with three, meaning he lost two within one shot. I sprinted away from him as fast as I could, but I began to hear those heavy footsteps gaining up on me, getting louder and louder.

I went to a corner to hide from Freddy, Hopefully he wouldn't hear me. I heard him walk straight past me. I let out my breath that I didn't know I was holding and stood up "Where are you going?" I heard a voice say from behind me, snickering. "Up ur ass and to the right" I said giggling. "Y/N! I said NO swearing"
He said sighing. He was distracted so I brought my Fazerblast and shot him right in the chest.

"Blue team has won the game" the speakers in fazerblast said loudly. "YESSS! SUCK IT FAZBEAR!" I said with a big smile on my face. Freddy chuckled a little "I went easy on you" he said rolling his eyes "Okay, next time we play for real then" I said challenging him "Okay" he replied with.

Me and Freddy walked back to his room just talking about life and it's things. I looked at my watch "it's 11:45 Freddy, I got to get home" I said sadly " Oh, My apologies Superstar. I will walk you to the entrance" he said.

Once we made it to the main entrance I turned to Freddy and gave him a big hug. "Thanks Freddy, I had a lot of fun today." I said smiling "No problem! I enjoy spending time with My Superstar." I paused for a minute "Ohhhh, you're superstar." I said Teasingly, Freddy standing there, Blush on his face "I think it's best you leave now my superstar." He said, picking me up and giving me one last hug "Thank you" I whispered to him, planting a small kiss on his cheek, which made his face and mine go red. He set me down from the hug with a smirk. A different kind of smirk though, not one like Freddy.

Okay so....first off I will note that I will not be doing A/n often so when I do one please read it. I also wanted to say that I will do a chapter about a character and if I end up liking that chapter I will make more parts to that chapter. Also I will try to make a chapter a week, or two chapters so I can get a lot out for you to read.

Second A/n:
                            OKAY YALL THIS IS THE FIRST GLAMROCK FREDDY X READER....How'd I do???? I know it's not to much fluff but I didn't know what to do. Also if u want more Fluff I will gladly do so! And if y'all really like a smut chapter I MIGHT do a smut. But that's only if you give me a chapter idea and and idea for what will happen in that chapter.

Also for your concern, yes, this chapter is rly short and I was stuck on ideas sooooooOoOoO y'all can give me ideas I'll prob take requests. Also I have a Glamrock Bonnie book or chapter soon for you simps.

847 words

QUICK FNAF SB MALE ONESHOTS!! (Freddy, Monty, Bonnie, and Foxy of the glamrocks)Where stories live. Discover now