Saiki Kusuo/ /Silence

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This is a one-shot I wrote on my Quotev account, AnxietyRiddenIdiot also known as 'Someone take the internet away from me'! If you feel like it, you could go check that account out and maybe comment or request a one-shot over there. No pressure :] 


As a psychic, Saiki Kusuo had grown used to the constant sounds of people's thoughts rampaging through his head. As he wakes up, swarms of words cloud his brain, as usual, and he gets up to get ready for school. Today was no exception. Exactly that happens, and he got ready and left for school with Nendou Niki hot on his trail. 

When they got to the school, they were joined by Shun Kaido while walking into the building. 'Great... Another nuisance.' As they were walking through the halls, Kaido suddenly stopped talking and bumped Saiki's elbow, "That girl doesn't look like she's on the same planet as us... Maybe she's been possessed by Dark Reunion's evil-" 

He tuned out the rest. He didn't even glance at the girl Kaido was talking about. 'With Kaido's intelligence, he definitely doesn't have a good taste in girls.'

He was in the middle of a "good grief" when someone softly bumped his arm. She profusely apologized in an absentminded voice he'd never heard before, bowed, and walked away. 

All the while, Saiki was frozen in place for a solid 30 seconds staring as she disappeared into the crowd. 'What the hell was that?'

He was left to walk to class with a major dilemma at the forefront of his mind. The dilemma being that girl. Why the girl? Because for the brief moments they made contact, his mind was left in silence. 


He sat at his desk with the mosquitos that called themselves his friends buzzing all around him. He didn't spare a single thought for them. He needed to find out who that girl was, fast, and question her. She had to of known something about what she could do. 'Maybe I should ask the pervy medium first so that it doesn't raise any suspicion of a crush... No, Toritsuka would definitely suspect something if I asked him directly about her. I'll figure it out sooner or later.'

And so, he sat through an agonizingly slow class until lunch break and then made an immediate beeline for the door and where the medium would be. Loitering around the women's bathroom like a creep.


The medium violently jumped, "AAH- Saiki! What are you doing here?"

'I have a couple questions you'll be answering. '

"Wow! There's something you don't know?! I'll do my best Master Saiki!"

Saiki looked grossed out, 'First off, don't call me that. Second, we need to move somewhere more.. Decent.' 

"HEY," Saiki'd already walked away, "THIS IS A DECENT PLACE!!!" 

They walked to the music room that no one ever visited.

"Shoot Saiki!" Toritsuka was eager to know something that Saiki didn't.

'What other psychics do you know about in the school?'

Toritsuka looked at the floor for a second, troubled. "There are none. Why? Did you find one?"

Saiki began walking away with Toritsuka scrambling to catch up, 'That answers my question. Goodbye.'

"WAIT, you can't just give me more questions than you asked!"

'I can and will. Now go to class. Lunch is almost over.'

Toritsuka groaned in anguish before walking in the direction opposite Saiki's path. 

'Well, that was barely helpful. At least she isn't popular with that pervert... Dammit, I forgot to get what class she's in. Oh well, knowing my luck, she'll most likely be in my class.'

ONESHOTS FOR Y'ALL, i need requestsWhere stories live. Discover now