Facing Your Fear

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Have you ever feared anything? Yeah, stupid question, right? We all have or do! But I can tell you that with God in your life fear is easily rid of.  The Bible tells us not to be anxious or have the spirit of fear. What a word. God teaches us from the beginning that we should never be anxious or afraid of anything. But it's perfectly rational to be afraid of something right?

I can tell you I have many fears. Like running into the person(s) that abused me as a child. I've ran into him many times which only heightens the fear that I will again. But I have to realize he isn't gonna hurt me anymore. He can do no more damage than he already has. And he did a lot of damage.

He ruined me for life. He shattered my spirit, my soul. He can do no more damage. He will never hurt me again. Once we realize we can't get hurt again the fear will dissipate.

Remember as the Bible tells us God didn't give us the spirit of fear. Fear is a spirit we must com against. We must pray that God will heal us of our fears.

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