Truth ♥️

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Author's Pov.........

........Four years ago........

Nanon was going towards his father's room happily... to tell him about his result.... that he scored highest marks..... just he was about to knock the door which was slightly open.....he saw his father was talking with his loyal gaurd.

"What brings you here Mek" Khun asked to his personal gaurd... he was busy in reading some important documents which was placed on his study desk...... Nanon was going to leave them alone... but his tracks got stopped after hearing Mek's word.

"I'm here to tell you..... what's going on behind your back Master......your favourite lowly servant was planning to propose young Master Nanon today..... at your old abandoned garden" Mek said smiling evily. From the start he was jealous of Ohm.... because he was getting close to everyone specially Khun who started to appreciate his work more than Mek's.

"WHAT!.....What the hell are you dare he... that bloody gold digger..... did he forget about his status....he dared to propose my son.....I will not let my Son ended up like my late sister Lily" Khun said angrily remembering the time when her younger sister Lily fall in love with her own bodyguard.....but after getting married with him.....he took all her money and left her for dying alone.... with a child for another woman.

She was bearing his Child but still he didn't accept her and his own child.....and she married him against their parents will......In the end she can't able to bear the betrayal so she burned herself with her child. Khun doesn't want that one day Ohm will use and throw his Son like their bodyguard did to his sister.....he afraid to loose his Son.

"Master from the start....I was trying to warn you.... that how he used look at our young Master since childhood.....I'm sure that he is after his money" Mek said putting oil in the burning fire.

"WHERE IS MY GUN..... I'M GOING TO KILL THAT BASTARD.....because I know my son is naive he will never able to recognise his true intentions behind his proposal......but one thing I know for sure... if Nanon say yes to him then no one can stop me from killing that servant right away" Khun said angrily slamming his hands on the table hardly..... making Mek and Nanon startled.

"One more thing I to keep eye on them..... and don't forget to inform me about each details.... GOT IT" Khun said fuming gesturing Mek to leave.

"I will take my leave now Master....I will give you all details" Mek said hiding his evil grin because he knew that not only Ohm have feelings for Nanon.....Nanon also feels the same for him.

........Nanon's Pov..........

Nooo....Nooo.....I can't let this happen..... this can't be true......I can't loose him....I love him since childhood he is my Hero. I don't know how to react.....should I feel happy that our feelings for eachother was same....or should I feel bad that why our feelings are same......but one thing I know that I can't let anyone to harm him.....even if that person was Dad.

.......Nanon's Room........

I was sitting in my room with Love lost in my thoughts praying to God that somehow Phi cancel his plan to propose me.....but then Love aksed me why I'm looking so upset..... that time I thought to tell Love everything about this...... I was going to tell her everything but before I could say anything a knock on my door interrupted us.

Oh God no korn was here he said he wanted to take me somewhere.... and I know where but still I choose to act clueless about this.....then I started to follow him silently we both reached towards our old garden area....then Korn told me to go alone.....I was climbing the stairs which was beautiful decorated.....then I noticed that Mek was also following me secretly and he was on call with my Dad....I knew it.

When I reached there I saw a beautifully decorated garden and my childhood favourite tree where me and Phi Ohm used to play......I was busy admiring his hard work which he done especially for me......but this is not the right time to think about main plan is to reject him brutally....I know that he is gonna hate me for rest of his life.....and I'm ready to take his hatred towards me after this.....his life is more important than anything for me now.....come Nanon you can do it.

........Author's Pov........

Ohm was confessing his love towards Nanon nervously not knowing that what's going around him....On the other hand Nanon was feeling thousands of butterflies dancing in his stomach but he quickly brushed it off.... Meanwhile Mek was hiding behind a tree far from them....he was on call with Khun giving him each details..... about them.

.....📳🗣️ON CALL......

"Sir.... I think that he proposed young Master and..... he is looking very happy reciving flower bouquet from that bastard" Mek whispered audible for Khun.

"WHAT.....I'm coming there.....I will handle that bastard myself now" Khun said angrily....he quickly grabbed his gun from the table and start walking towards their Old garden.

"No...No...wait Sir you don't need to come here..... Master Nanon didn't accept his proposal he rejected him.....he was hiting him with flower bouquet which that bastard gave he is shouting at him and calling him gold digger.....I can clearly hear that from here....and now he is leaving" Mek said looking towards Nanon who was now leaving from there angrily..... Nanon shouted at Ohm intentionally because he want Mek to hear this all.

"I knew it..... I'm proud of him you also come back.....but one thing I knew for sure that I can't let that servant get away like this he needs to be punished" Khun said with full hatred....he personally don't hate Ohm but he still don't trust anyone around his family.


"BUT WHY ? You guys didn't told me about this before.....WHY" Ohm asked angrily..... looking towards them with cold face.

"Because Phi Korn promised Phi Non that he will keep his mouth shut......but I didn't so when Phi told me about this.....I immediately came looking for you but you were already gone by that time.....and you vanished from our life without telling anyone" Love said grabbing Ohm by his shoulders softly.

"And now it's not the right time to blame anyone..... because Phi Nanon is leaving today with Phi Dew" said Love worriedly.

" he can't leave me again.....tell me where he is now" Ohm asked he will not let him go no matter what.

"Mr. Khun is sending him to France with Phi Dew to live with his family" Love said looking towards Korn and Ohm.

"I think we still have time.....go and stop young Master before it got too late" Korn said pushing Ohm outside.


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