10.He is Mine

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Next morning Yibo wakes up by noises he stretched his arms and looks around...there was people who were arranging things in room , Yibo stood up at his place when Mrs.Jiang came near him and patted his head ,

I don't know what my son did with you but please believe me he was not like this so give him some time...

Yibo nodded his head and smiled genuinely just when Zhan came there...

Aah Dd didn't I tell you not to talk with anyone except me or if you want something just call Yubin...remember this.
And now go and get ready you are coming to studio with me afterall you are my newly married wifey,

Yibo decided one thing last night that no matter what Zhan said or provoked him he will not say anything so he didn't utter a single word which irritates Zhan and he stomped out. Mrs.Jiang left behind him.

Yibo sighed and sat down on new bed.
I don't have my stuff and clothes how I'm supposed to get ready you devil 😠

A maid came with some clothes and put them in wardrobe.

Young master your clothes are in wardrobe you can use them and if you need any else call me...

Oh thank you...umm can you lend me your mobile I need to make a call...

Sorry young master but master Xiao didn't allow that...

She replied and hurriedly left room. Yibo was frustrated because he was not able to talk with his family but he took some clothes and went to bathroom.
Zhan and Yubin was eating when there came Wang Yibo in green hoodie with black cargos. He was looking handsome. Zhan took full 2 minutes looking Yibo.
They ate breakfast silently.

Yibo was following Zhan's every order without saying anything which was unbearable for Zhan.
He went in hospital with Yibo.
Yibo looked his mom and ran towards her he hugged her tightly sobbed.

Bobo where were you? You know how much worried we were for you.

Omma I'm fine how's appa..

He is resting and fine operation was successful but tell me one thing how you arranged everything...

Hello mom in law...
Zhan said. Mrs.wang looked him.
She looked Yibo...

Bobo what is he saying.?

Yibo didn't say anything tears keep running out of his eyes...he was looking down...

Bobo I'm asking you...what is he saying?
Is it true?


Yibo said sobbing and...


Mrs Wang...

Mrs Wang slapped Yibo hardly he didn't react but Zhan shouted loudly...

Mrs Wang now you have no right to slap him or do anything because now he is mine (lol😜)
He is Xiao Yibo not Wang Yibo and he is here last time to meet you all after that I'll not allow him to meet you all.

You are married with him bobo?

Yanli asked shockingly. He just nodded.
Yibo left with no strength in him after the slap because he can bear everything except his family's hate now he has to face that. Yanli said nothing more just left from there. Zhan was enjoying and smirking because he was getting what he wanted.
A broken Yibo.

Yibo opened the door of ward where his father was. He was sleeping so Yibo sat near him on his bed a placed his head softly on his father's chest he cried his heart out.

Appa I'm sorry I know what I did was wrong decision but that was the only way to save you and you know na how important you are. Please forgive me appa...

His mother was listening him at the door but she said nothing after some time Zhan came inside and held Yibo's hand.

Let's go dd its time for work.

He'll not go anywhere...

Oh mom in law He'll...just ask him...


Yibo shook his head at her. She was sad for his son as well as angry at him.
Zhan bowed her and left from there with Yibo.
Zhan was smirking weirdly while thinking something. He was in his vanity. And Yibo was outside vanity waiting for Zhan.
He came out.

Hey dd...

Yibo looked towards Zhan and opened umbrella for him.
Yeah right now Yibo is Zhan's personal assistant plus waterboy.
Some cameraman came running twords Zhan.

Sir we go to know that your new assistant is your husband is it true?
Sir who is this man?
Sir is he your husband?

Ofcourse meet my husband cum assistant Xiao Yibo.

He grab Yibo's hand and dragged him near by putting his hand on his waist 😳
Yibo was uncomfortable but just smiled 😬

Some people were gossiping...
1.Look at the assistant he is cute though 😍
2.I never thought that Xiao Zhan is gay
3.he is the Person who was in scandal with Xiao Zhan few day ago.

Zhan was listening all the rubbish so he cleared his throat and

First I want to tell you guys that I'm not gay its just I fell in love with this courageous guy when he went against me the great Xiao Zhan for the first time so I make him mine...
Now i think i gave you your answers...
Thank you

What a guy. You are really a great actor Xiao Zhan.
Yibo thought in his mind.

Like that they went inside studio set for shooting...



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