Nearly Dead (Prolouge)

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- 2:40 PM
Tears, so many of them. People in unison create flows of water out of their eyes for what? It's dark they can't really see anything except for a stand with a portrait of a person, who is this person? They look happy but are really sad and gave up on being optimistic. He looks like he has murdered indiscriminately, no matter the race, belief, size, gender he still ended their lives. This is no their than Y/N L/N or known underground as “One-Shot” by all criminals or fans of crime. His repertoire was even more impressive.

He managed a face off over an entire mob and mafia with a pistol and knife, well not really he did get shot twice which he managed to survive so he isn't invincible. A plethora of assasinations to add on his career, mainly favours or paid hits he took out over 100+ figures in his career. The people he killed were either paid for revenge or it was criminals who needed to be silenced. But back to the funeral, everyone is sad. His colleagues, friends, criminal partners, family and fans. But in the midst of all this emotion a figure was seeing over the entire with a car behind him as he over goes the whole funeral, he is hidden behind a tree lighting a cigarette.

“Fucking hell, is that it? I aint nearly dead yet.”

The figure walks to the car then throws his cigarette into a nearby bush, then enters the vehicle as he drives off to the dark.

Breaking news, infamous criminal/ hitman Y/N L/N has been reported to pass away due to a shootout with police officials as allegedly he was shot in the leg which passed away due to blood loss, fans of the criminal have been disbelief and have speculated that he hasn't died. We have Mary Owen at the parking complex which was the scene of the crime.

“Yes Nigel, fans of the outlaw have created rupture of violence and are currently protesting against the polices remarks and don't believe Y/N L/N is dead. "
“Cause I'm not.”

The man Y/N L/N is currently in a random apartment complex in Japan as he is quote on quote staring a new life.

(Y/N) POV:
Hello, my name is Y/N L/N and I 'was' a international and credited hitman / criminal with many in the crime underground naming me as the 'One-Shot Saviour' well that's obviously one side of things. To make it short I brung down peoples family due to my work just for the fun of it. Even though it was my passion to kill, deep down I hated it. So I didn't have to courage to do again, so after my final job which was a little juror who was corrupt but...... I didn't kill him. I gave him a chance at life to turn it around, so I gave him most of my savings and went off the grib from crime for 5 months to plan.... Well..... My 'escape from crime'.

Which started off with me planing a deal with a police officer by the name of 'Commissioner Gary Hill Nunez.' The job was simple, I start a shootout with the police of being 'drunk' and angry at a police officer which caused me to start 'shooting'.

So I followed with the plan I had a massive shootout with the police which I only hit five, but they were kevlar so I doesn't really matter. After an approximate 3 minutes I followed pursuit and popped my head out which gave an 'opening' and Gary Nunez shot my leg which obviously he didn't actually shoot me in the leg I just left a blood trial and stood still by cutting my arm. That was the deal.

I get picked by ambulance and I ship myself to Japan to lay low while Commissioner Gary Nunez got the credit he deserved, and to be fair I was quite happy with what happened. Me living in Japan was a no brainer as damn near no one who I was well I hope. Apparently there are heroes here so some of them might have a file on me so I had to change my appearance a tid bit. Adding a beard and growing my hair was a gamechanger.

And obviously I had change my identity, so instead of Y/N L/N I'm now, Yashin Joseph. It wasn't a bad start but it was something. Needing money I got a job at a local market which thank god used English so I wasn't stranded.

But in my new life I was bettering myself learning a tid bit of Japanese to prepare for some converstoons, working out even more hell cleaning out this dirty beach near my apartment. But in all this detritus, something is worrying me.... Will I get caught by these heroes? I knew about quirks but Americians were unlucky and never had any cases of them. It was only apparent though Eastern Europe and Asia, no where else.

who is that?

I grab my phone and see its a random number, I shouldn't pick up but by instinct I answer. Slow breaths are escaping my mouth, why do I feel so nervous to speak!? Nothing comes out of my mouth I hope whoever is on the other line speaks first.
“Is this Y/N L/N? Or should I say 'Yashin Joseph'?”

What the fuck? Who is this on the other line! How do they know me and my new identity?? FUCKKK!!!

“How do you-”

“Save it Yashin, the underground's always knows, you can't escape the life of crime. Come to Yokotai Market at 12 sharp, again we know where you are, don't try to escape now.”

The line goes silent. What. The. Fuck.

I have... So many questions and inquiry's. Who is this person... How do they know where I live? Who's the 'underground'? Jesus Christ......

The location the random caller gave me was only 2 minutes away.... And it was 9:00, I have 2 hours to prepare. I'd tell myself I would never use the stash.... But it's about that time of year...

–– To Be Continued.....


Hope yall have a good day and Ill see yall later.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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