Chapter 1 The kiss of death

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Hailey's pov: i woke up next to my gorgeous husband i had had such a stressful day at work yesterday we'd barely talked. i felt bad but we were both so busy with our jobs we barely had time for each other anymore of course non of that mattered he was still the love of my life. I got up and made breakfast i didn't have to be in the office till later so the least i could do was have breakfast with him. i was in the middle of making bacon and pancakes when i felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist "good morning princess" Lucas whispered in my ear. god its always the little things he does "Good morning my Prince" i replied and turned to give him a kiss before plating up his breakfast. we talked about work and he told me about his new opportunity with his manager he said he had to write a new book a murder mystery he decided to call it Run! I thought it sounded great and congratulated him on the opportunity. he then asked about my work and i told him i was interviewing  our main suspect for my new case today. The case was on the disappearance and murder of a sweet young girl Isabella martin she was 7 years old and went missing two months ago and everyone just presumed her dead i however knew that the case was just way too neat to be done you never get a case that is this easy i expressed my concerns and Lucas agreed it did seem weird for my case to be so neat almost tied with a ribbon in fact it was way too neat. we finished our breakfast and i saw i still had 4 hours before i needed to be at work so we took it to the bedroom. It started of as just a make out session but one thing led to another and we were just putting our clothes back on after our activities when i got a call saying i needed to be in the office as soon as possible. Lucas told me to go but just before i did i gave him the most passionate kiss. i was in the car when my partner Alex called me he sounded frantic and his voice was full of fear. i told him to calm down and tell me what happened. he told me that he had just got to the office and the guard was bleeding out . i then knew that i needed to get to the office asap i ran three red lights and 5 stop signs. I ran into the office panting i saw alex holding the guard in his arms i instantly took control of the situation i started to dish out orders "ok alex you have to give him to me get me a towel and SOMEONE CALL 911!!" i shouted and people snapped to attention if one thing was for sure i run shit round here. "I called them Detective they said theyre thirty minutes out" one of the new staff members said to me. "Shit we do not have that long" i exclaimed before dialling them myself on my walkie talkie "Dispatch this is detective Blake down at the NYPD i am currently at the station i have a middle aged mail GSW to the lower abdomen currently responsive but not alert tachycardic in the 150's    i need a unit here asap" i expressed the urgency that we needed this aid car " I hear you detective blake but i have not got an aid car in your area the closest is at least 20 minutes out they've all been at a highway accident". the dispatcher explained. Alex came back with the towel and i held it in place while putting pressure on it to help slow the bleeding ""Liam managed to gasp out. "No No li you are not dying do you hear me stay with me" i answered. he needed to know that he was not alone right now. we were still waiting for the ambulance and then suddenly Liam went limp in my arms i instructed alex to take my place with the towel and i felt liams pulse "shit no pulse starting compressions Alex keep a firm grip on that towel" i instructed before starting CPR. the ambulance came soon after and pronounced liam dead before carrying him in a body bag out of the office.Alex turned to hug me and i cried in his arms Liam had became like a brother to me over the years and now i have to call his wife and tell her that the kids will never see their dad again "i have to go call liams family" i whispered  and wiggled my way out of alex's arms i went to my own personal office and dialled liams house phone his oldest daughter layla answered "hey lay honey is your mum there?" i asked she said yes and then put her on the phone i told her what had happened and she sobbed and sobbed over the phone to me. i tried to calm her as much as possible but i really didn't know how. i got off the phone and just cried. i informed my team that i was going home and to call me if they need me at any point i just needed my husbands comfort right now alex told me to go and try to chill at home i got in the car and called Lucas it went straight to voice mail i thought nothing of it because he usually has his phone turned on silent while he writes i figured id just see him when i got home i put some music on and drove for a bit to clear my head i finally got home and saw blue lights at my address i ran in and my heart dropped there layed Lucas still and pale with the same gun shot as Liam. I screamed and fell to the ground sobbing at that moment my team came running Alex just held me and whispered sweet nothing in my ear. "Time of death 17:17" i heard one of the paramedics say and that was my breaking point i just creamed and fell to my knees alex followed and held me in his arms. I need to find that bastard who did this if its the last thing i do.    

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