"This is not what I had in mind when we said we'd see eachother again."It's really him, after so long... we have finally met again.
"I know, shocking! Right?"
The man lets out a chuckle, he still looks as he did when he left. Maybe a little taller, it's almost like he didn't age.
My friend, no, best friend is standing before me after we were separated for many, many years."I'm glad we could finally find eachother again after we lost contact."
Wait...lost contact? I don't remember that. Sure he left for a different country but we still talked until a few months ago?
"Cat got your tongue?"
My mouth opens to speak, nothing comes out. My jaw feels numb, as if nothing is there.
I guess it was something along the lines of what he said."You thirsty? I could drink an Irishman under the table right now, come on."
I admit that I was a little parched...and confused, hungover too I think. I doubt anything could go wrong here as long as I stay sober.
"There's a place a little further in this city that I know you'll love."
I take a glance over to the bar that's only across the street, why not go there?
"Oh that place?"
Yeah, what's wrong with it?
"Trust me it's not good."
Why? We went to drink there when things were good, and bad...a lot of bad actually.
"It's nice in the other place, you'll like it."
What do I have to lose? This headache hopefully. We walked towards a bar, probably the one he mentioned. I look into the window. No one inside. My friend is only opening the door now. I check the window for my reflection, making sure I look decent. I stare deeply in thought at the window...something isn't right. I can't see myself. This has to be some sick joke right? There has to be a reflection in this window. New window designs? I don't dwell on it for too much longer as my friend beckons me into the bar, already pouring us a couple glasses of divine liquor.
He hands me a cup and holds his own up towards me.
"A celebration of our reunion, whad'ya say bud?"I give him a nod as I clink mine with his. We both start to chug down on our drinks...but I don't taste the pleasurable alcohol. Instead I hear what would be like a short-lived waterfall with dripping commencing after it. I turn my gaze to the source of the sound. I see two dark puddles on the ground surrounding myself and my friend.
"Maybe we're already tipsy and forgot where our mouths were?" He questions as he pours two more glasses.
I know I feel like I have a hangover, but I don't remember drinking in the past week.