Chapter 4 - The Voices In My Head

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Hello again, i'll be adding POV changes throughout the story, should make some line delivery and events come across better. 

[February 4th 2045] - Rumi's Apartment


Last night was very awkward to say the least, and very horny. I can't believe that she would expect everything to be fine just like that. In any case, being alone on the couch was nice and it gave me time to think. 

So far I had been doing whatever life had thrown my way, be it with scamming some popstars, getting kidnapped by a crazy rabbit lady or almost being killed by the General of Death. But recent events have kinda shown me that life is trying to fuck with me, so no more. After I finish this stupid parole, I'm gonna finish school, get a job and settle down, hopefully not exploding along the way. 

Exploding. Its not like I can forget what happened in Ladia, it just seems surreal that an explosion like that could happened and yet Rafa and I still survived. There was a moment when Rafa and I were escaping Esdeath when I raised my hand and some force field appeared.

Something happened to me that day, so finding out what really happened is the top priority. For the meantime, I'm gonna have to stand working with that crazy bitch.  

"Y/N! Let's Go!" Rumi exclaimed excitedly 

Fuck, speak of the devil...

"Sure thing, lemme just get changed" 

I entered my room once again, looks like she fixed it up after last night, and laying on the sheets was a gray tracksuit with an electronic bracelet placed on top. I wore the tracksuit but I didn't feel comfortable wearing the bracelet, it could be a shock device for all I know. 

"It was issued by the Union Council, wear it"

Rumi said as she appeared, leaning on the door frame. 

" ̄へ ̄"

"Don't give me that face, just wear the damn ankle monitor and lets get going, Deku is waiting outside" 

I sighed in defeat, I grabbed the monitor. When I clamped in around my leg, it began to shine a blue and turned invisible, that's pretty cool. 

Now to find the furry rascal.  

Rumi POV 


I thought that after two years he would have forgiven me but no, its seemed that letting him free was a bad idea. 

Yes, I let him go. It didn't work, he hates me more than ever and I don't know what to do. My original plan was letting him go, cool off for sometime and then he would come running back into my arms. 

But he's still hard headed as ever, its one of the things I love about him. I've just gotta adapt my plans is all, I was given an opportunity of a life time. See, after I let him go I always kept my eye on him, it wasn't stalking, just keeping him safe from afar.  

I lost him after he entered Ladia, then the explosion happened, but it looks like there is a god out there. All that matters is getting Y/N to love me, thats the top priority. 

After waiting for a while, Y/N carried in a very fat Rafa. 

"Hey Rumi, you wouldn't happen to still love c-carrots would you" Y/N asked hesitantly

"Of course I still love them!" I said confusedly 

"Well you've got a supply shortage"


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