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Y/N's pov

It felt like I became mute. No words came from my mouth as my lips were so dry making me think that they will break like glasses. I parted my lips to say something but couldn't say anything.

'Y/N? Are you still there?'

I clearly heard Hoshi oppa. But I didn't know what to say to him.

Suddenly it started to rain so heavily making my clothes wet as well as me. Still, I didn't budge along until I felt someone grabbing me and pushing me into the apartment.

I looked at the person only to see Akiyo. He was also wet from the water.

'Yahh! Are you dumb? Why didn't you run to find a shelter!' He scolded.

This was the last thing I noticed until my eyes gave up...







Author's pov

Y/N opened her eyes only to see her laying on a bed. She was confused for a second and was thinking about where she was and what happened.

After all the memories came back to her, she didn't get the time to react as she saw Akiyo entering the room.

'Oh, you woke up? I was about to wake you up seeing that you have already slept for 2 hours.'

'W-what? 2 hours?!' Y/N gasped.

'Yeah. Your BP was too low. Drink this saline. You shouldn't stress too much. My sister is a doctor so we had those necessary types of equipment in our house.' He said.

Y/N took the glass from him and drank until she realized something.

'Oh no! H-hoshi oppa! Shit!' She murmured.


'U-uh nothing! Where is my phone?' She asked.

'There.' Akiyo said before he took her phone from the nightstand and gave it to her.

'Thank you.' Y/N thanked him and quickly unlocked her phone.

'WHAT THE-' She stopped quickly before she could curse.

'What happened?'

'My phone's battery is only 7%!' She sighed.

'Oh. Well, my sister has a Samsung phone. I will get her charger.' Akiyo said before walking out of the room.

The whole house was quiet, making her think that maybe no one was there apart from them. She saw 20 missed calls and 30+ messages from Hoshi and some calls from the bodyguard whose name Hoshi had saved earlier.

'Shit! Oppa must be so worried about me!' She thought.

Soon enough Akiyo came. Y/N couldn't call Hoshi since the percentage was 4 after she saw the messages and calls.

'Thank you.' Y/N said as Akiyo plugged the other party of the charger and plugged the charging cord into her phone.

'I will bring some soup. You can rest in the meantime.' Akiyo said as he got up.

'You didn't have to-ʼ

'It's okay. My sister has already cooked too much for me before she left.'

It was basically to give her some time for herself. He knew she wanted to call someone since she fainted because of that particular call.

T𝕙𝕖 Jeon Ƭwιɴs |𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ 🄰🅄 ft. 𝔹𝕋𝕊|Where stories live. Discover now