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The door to Jihye's house opened, and she, Haera and her mom stepped in. What Jihye wasn't expecting was being immediately squeezed into a hug.

"Uh, Jungwon, you're hugging me a little too tight here." Jungwon blushed in embarrassment and let go of her.

"Sorry. Are you okay now? Does your skin still burn? Oh my gosh, the paint got on your hair." Jungwon gently brushed her hair with his fingers.

"I'm okay now. It's still a bit tingly, but I'm overall okay. I'll have to go shower now."

"Okay. I brought another of my hoodies." Jihye smiled.

"Yay. Okay, I'll go shower now." And Jihye left a sulking Jungwon in the living room.

An hour later though, he was happily snuggling with Jihye in her room as she watched a drama on her computer. Haera was using Jihye's desk, her own computer in front of her as her fingers flew across the keyboard.

"Jihye-ah! Your friends are here!" Jihye's mother shouted from the kitchen.

"You have other friends?" Jungwon asked. Jihye pouted slightly before hitting him lightly. He chuckled.

"Yo Lee Jihye, I have come with your stuff. Also, I swear that Yura is really such a btch, like what the- Oh my gosh, the news wasn't lying." Alicia ran into Jihye's room but came to a stop when she saw Jungwon hugging her friend from the back. Soo In and In Ha soon joined her.

"Wow, he's even more handsome in real life." In Ha commented.

"Yeah, you're right." Soo In agreed.

"Okay, you can stop fawning over my boyfriend now. What's up in school?"

"Oh, uh, we got your stuff, but uhm, yeah someone wrote a very nasty letter to you. I don't recommend you read it, but, heheh. Anyways, all your textbooks and worksheets are here with In Ha. I think your mom talked to the principal, so you'll be having online lessons for a while." Alicia said.

"Ew, online lessons."

"What nasty letter?" Jungwon asked. The 3 girls exchanged nervous looks, before In Ha took a blood-stained envelope (fake blood) from the bag of Jihye's school materials and handed it to Jihye. But before she could read it, Jungwon snatched it out of her hand. He turned away and started reading it. Jihye tried to stretch over to see, but he just covered it up.



"Hmph." Jihye turned back to her friends and reached out her hands towards the bag, signalling that she wanted her stuff. In Ha walled over and placed the bag on the floor next to her bag. Jihye started looking through it.

"Nothing's missing, right?" Soo In asked.

"Yep, everything is here."

"Okay, great."

"Oh my gosh, anyways, this Yura is really such a btch. You know what she started saying? That you showed Jungwon your body in order to get him to date you. Seriously, what the hell? She needs to touch some grass."

"She needs to eat some moss." In Ha added.

"She needs to inhale a whole forest." Soo In added on even further.

"Girl is just jealous that you can get an idol as your boyfriend. But seriously, those weird ass comments need to stop. You're 16. There's something very wrong with her."

"Well, I can't do anything about it. Just a few more months until we graduate and I won't have to deal with her bullshit anymore."

"Speaking of graduation, should we have a party?" Alicia asked.

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now