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Knock, knock.


"Five more minutes..Please."


Mark heard muffled voices..It must be Cesar and Adam?..Jonah must also be sleeping.


Mark shuffled out of bed, groaning. He opened his door to see Cesar holding Adam in his hands. They both looked tired.

"What is it?.."

"Nightmares, Adam had a nightmare."

"Awh- fuck..-"

Cesar swatted Mark, his jumped in response.

"Watch your fucking language, Mark!"


Cesar groaned.

"So..Uh..You want like..A snack?"


"I'm sorry! I've never taken care of a kid before!"

Yeah, Cesar and Mark ended up being long term babysitters..By long term, basically forever. Or..At least it felt that way. These kids have been here for fuckin ever.


Adam was tired and nervous..Mark remembered the thing that made him fall asleep when he had nightmares.

"Here, give him to me, I know what to do."


Cesar gave Adam to Mark..

"How do you-.."

"Are you stupid? Hold him like you'd hold something heavy!"


Mark finally held Adam correctly, he walked to the kitchen with him.


He sat Adam down on the counter while he grabbed a plastic cup and filled it with milk, he set the microwave for 6 minutes. Just enough to get it a little warm..Probably lukewarm.

He put the milk inside the microwave and waited.

"So..What was the nightmare about?.."

"It was so scary..I saw this guy who only had eyes! And he started chasing me..I started to cry a little.."

"I noticed..It's alright to cry, y'know? I mean look at me! I'm-"

Mark noticed that he probably should talk about how he had a mid-life crisis at twenty to a four year old.

"That's..Not the point, but it's okay to cry. No one will judge you! Even me and Cesar cry."

"Really? But your adults! Adults are big and strong!"

"Only sometimes, we have our moments where you guys have to cheer us up sometimes! Like we do you guys."

"Oohhhh..Okay! I get it!"

"Do you really?"

"Mhm! When you and Mr. Torres feel sad, me and Jonah will cheer you guys up!"

Mark smiled, chuckling softly.


The microwave eventually stopped, Mark turned to it, making the warm cup out and handing it to Adam.

"Here, it's warm."

Adam smiled, drinking the milk.

Adam reminded Mark so much of himself when he was little..But with blonde hair. He had nightmares and the only few things that would calm him down was Cesar, in Adams case, Jonah.

Wait, Jonah-

"Mr. Heathcliff..I want some.."

There was Jonah, tugging at Marks pant leg. He looked really tired..

"Pfft, alright, but that's all your both getting! You guys need to get to bed! Plus..Christmas is coming around! You guys wanna be on the nice list right?"

"Mhm!..We've been good!.." Adam yawned.

"Yeah! We've been good!"

Mark smiled.

He grabbed another plastic cup and filled it with milk, setting it in the microwave and putting it on for 6 seconds.

"You guys are definitely gonna get tons of presents this year!"

They both smiled, giggling.

The milk eventually stopped and Mark handed Jonah the cup, he drank it quickly.

Adam was still working on his, it might've been better to put a little sugar in it than just plain milk..But, it'll be fine. They don't need sugar this late.

They both finished, setting down their cups.

"Now, you two ready for bed?"

They both shook their heads, Mark picked both of them up, carrying them to their rooms.

They eventually got there, Mark tucked them both in.

"W-Wait! Mr. Heathcliff!..Can you sing us a bedtime story?"

"Really? I thought you two were to big for that!"

"Nuh uh! We aren't!" Jonah said proudly.

"Alright, fine, I'll sing the one my friend use to sing to me when I felt sad."

"Yay!..Okay!.." Adam smiled.

"You are my sunshine..
My only sunshine.
You make me happy, when skies are grey.
You never know dear, how much I love you.
So please don't take..My sunshine..Away."

Mark yawned, singing that made him tired..Guess he wasn't the only one who got tired from it.

Adam and Jonah instantly fell asleep after hearing him sing, Mark sighed.

"Huh, you take care of children better than I expected." Cesar teased, smiling.

"I learned it from my uncle."

𝘊𝘢𝘭𝘮𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘉𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘐𝘯 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴.Where stories live. Discover now