Chapter 1 Birthday

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So today I am turning 11 an my mom gave me a letter that read.
To Roselyn
From hogwarts

I was so happy my pureblood family has gone to Hogwarts for as long as I can remember. I got a lot of cool stuff for my birthday but my favorite was the letter.
i asked my mom
"when are we going to diagon ally" and she said,
"Maybe tomorrow".
"But I want to go now". I said in an eagerly tone.
"Today is almost over you can wait until tomorrow". she said.

So I went up stairs to bed but I could not sleep I was so exited to go to school I laid there in bed thinking of all the thing I would do.

I could not wait to meet the the teachers, I want to do quidditch but sadly 1st years can't play quidditch. So I laid there in bed thinking and waiting for tomorrow.

So tomorrow finally came and we used flu powder to go to diogon ally. I went to go get my robes at the store and meet a boy going to Hogwarts he was a a boy with red hair and we talked for a little while.

"Hi". I said.
"Hello". he said.
"My name is Roselyn Cline". I said to him.
"My name is Fred, Fred Weasley". he said in return
"Are you going to be a 1st year"? I asked him.
"Yes", said Fred "are you"?
"Yes I am". I said in return
"What house do you want to be sorted in". I asked him eagerly.
"Gryffindor"! He said quickly.
"What house do you want to be sorted in"? He asked me.
"I don't really know". I said.
Fred then left and I went to got get my wand at Ollivanders wand shop. It took me a while to get a wand but the with the store a mess I got the right one for me. It's core is a unicorn hair. I then asked my mom for a pet and she said.
"What pet do you want"? She asked".
"Can I have a owl"? I asked.
"No those are to expensive". she said cooly.
"Fine". I said sadly.
So I walked in and look at all the pets. There we owls, cats, mice, frogs, ferrets, and more.
"Would you like a owl they are the coolest thing in". Said the lady
"No I am not allowed to get one my mom said no". I said sadly.
"How about a ferret". Said the lady.
" I would love a ferret". I said.
So I decided that I wanted a pet ferret that was pearl white. I decided to name it Lizzy. So I went home happy as can be. then a few days passed as I was eagerly waiting for school to start. And 3 days later it was time for school.

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