Lucy One Way To Stardom

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 "Camera,lights,action," the director started shouting at the cast. "This is going to take foreverrrrrrrrr," I started to complain to my fellow castmates. "Tch, why did you even become an actor if all you do is complain about working." Roy grunted. Even though Roy is the playing the prince of the show his real personality sucks. " I became an actor so that I wouldn't live in my parents shadows," I groaned at him." GET BACK TO WORK!" The director started shouting again.

After work I checked my email. " I got a bunch of hate mail again...." I sighed out loud. "Why whats wrong," Roy said trying to sneak a peek at my phone. " Nothing idiot, my manager is just annoying me." I said as I sticked my tongue out at him. " Geez, when I finally try to be nice and try to act like an adult for once," he said as he walked away. I glanced back at my phone, wow people hate me. There was a bunch of messages saying that I was only famous due to my parents. I generally got used to it, my real fans are the ones that kept me going. One day my dream is to walk on the red carpet with my parents and to get a grammy.

I started to drift off to sleep but I got up to leave. I can't fall asleep in the studio, i'll be sore tomorrow. I called a cab and got back to my. I woke up the next day and yawned. I got up and did my hair, got into some baggy clothes and went to work. I checked my phone right before I walked in. " Death threats" I whispered low enough so that no one could hear me. Roy bumped into me when I was in the door. " Man you look terrible," he started to laugh at me. " Whatever, like I care what you think about me," I sighed. " Come here Lucy, Roy," the director called us over. "Yes," we said in a usion. " In about a week, you two will walk on the red carpet." he said in a calm tone. "The show has been gaining some popularity and Dragan wants to interview you." he said staring at us. It took us some time to register what he had just said. "YESSSSSSSSSS!" We started shouting. Dragan was famous for her legendary interviews, whoever got interview boomed because of how famous she was.

Me and Roy didn't fight the whole day, we were too happy to be in a sour mood. We started acting. I was doing my very best so I can hurry up leave work and tell all my friends and family about the great news. After work my phone was buzzing like crazy. I read all of the messages, things like congratulations and good job made me beam. There was one that caught my eye. Congratulations due to your parents you're going to go on the red carpet. Meanwhile the rest of us who are working still get nothing. " Seriously way to spoil my mood." I sighed. As the week progressed it seemed to fly by, with all of the jobs we have been doing. Me and Roy would occasionally fight ,but we would stop after a while and would get back to work. The director said we were doing amazing at the many scenes for the new season we were working on. We were becoming more popular and are statuses were increasing. "No one wonder we are getting interviewed by Dragan," I said with confidence. "Yeah we are going to be hot shots," Roy started to boast with me. "You guys are sure lucky

A week has passed and now it was my big day to walk on the carpet. Too bad it is with Roy. My phone rang, as I groaned looking at the caller id. "What do you want," I said. "Where are you, i'm outside your house so, hurry up and get ready," Roy said. I ended the call, I thought wait, how does he know where I live? I ignored the thought and got into a red dress with straps and some matching black shoes. I walked out with Roy to get into the limo that arrived in my house.

When we arrived where all the paparazzi flashes blinded me. They were taking multiple shots of us. We started walking on the red carpet we smiled at them. People started shouting our names as we walked closer toward the building. We were signing our names everywhere. They rushed us because the interview was going to start in less than a minute so we started speed walking towards the entrance. My dream is coming true, I got to walk the red carpet and got encouragement from my fans. Even though there were people who didn't agree with how I became famous I worked up this point to get here.


A/N Hope you like my first story :) The name of the protaginst was inspired by Lucy from Fairy Tail since she likes constellations. If you like this thanks, tell me ideas.

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