Trust (only chapter)

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Yogurt Cream woke up. He jumped out of bed with a loud gasp, heavy breathing. He had a nightmare, a horrid one.

Soon, he heard a knock on the door, and heard his bodyguard's voice say;

— My liege? Are you alright?

The door was opened without Yogurt Cream's consent. Probably because Lilac always worries himself that Yogurt may be murdered and things. It's completely normal, thought, it is his job as the prince's bodyguard. Of course he did.

Lilac opened the door, only to find Yogurt Cream sitting at his bed, still under the bedsheets, sweating.

— My liege? What happened?

— Oh, Lilac... everything's alright, sorry for worrying you. Just... a bad dream I guess...

— And what was that you dreamt of? - asked the bodyguard, yet with that serious look on his face he always had.

He was emotionless. Lilac was always emotionless. Except when protecting Yogurt Cream from attacks and "accidents", on those moments, his eyes were always filled with courage and attention. Yogurt found it funny. He liked to see Lilac's little slip of emotions show. It made him want to know more about his so-called bodyguard.

— Nothing much... no need to worry, I am fine.

— Right. I will be leaving now. Call me if you need anything. Come down to eat breakfast whenever you want. - said the dark-purple haired one, turning his back to leave the room.

— WAIT! Lilac! - shouted Yogurt. It slipped off of his mouth. It wasn't his fault. He did not want Lilac to leave.

— Yes, my liege? - he turns his body back, facing Yogurt Cream.

Yogurt Cream did not know what to say, he wanted Lilac's company, he wanted to stand by his side, and make sure his nightmare would never, ever come true.

He started panicking.

— I- Uhm- Y-you see- I wanted to-

And then, he got cut of by himself, the room went silent while Lilac stood there, with a puzzled look, staring at the prince's eyes.

Until Yogurt managed to say something.

— Lilac, may we talk for a moment? P-please, sit down. - he patted the corner of his bed, beside him.

No response from his bodyguard. The room went silent. Lilac just walked calmly at Yogurt Cream's bed, and set down where he was told to, not breaking the eye contact even for a brief moment.

— Is anything troubling you, my liege? - asked Lilac.

— Hm- no, I mean, yes? Ugh, let me explain.

— Go ahead, I am listening.

Yogurt left the bedsheets and sat by Lilac's side. Still making eye contact.

— Lilac, please answer me this question honestly.

— As you wish. - muttered Lilac.

— Are you a person I can put my trust in?

Lilac froze. He felt a sudden shiver down his spine, that got every inch of his body. He felt horrible. Terrible. He did not break the eye contact, his eyes were just trembling a bit.

— Lilac? Why are you silent? Answer me. - said Yogurt with a worried look on his face.

— Yes, my liege... I have faith to believe that I am trustworthy enough, for you.

He did not.
Lilac was lying.
He didn't want to be lying... but he was.
And he regretted every single word that came out of his mouth.
Every act he has ever committed.
Every blood drop that he has dropped from his victims.
He regretted his whole life. Would things be different if he weren't an assassin? Could things be different if he weren't an assassin?

— Are you sure? I trust you with every single jewel I have.

Jewels. They were the second most important thing in the world to Yogurt Cream Cookie. The first one, was obviously, his bodyguard.

— Yes, Yogurt Cream Cookie, I am sure.

Yogurt jumped a little by hearing his name leave Lilac's mouth. He flushed a little. Lilac has never called him anything else but his liege.

— I am sorry, my liege, I did not mean to address you as your real name. - Lilac said as if it was a crime.

— N-no problem!! You can call me that more often, I really like it.

— Alright. Was that all you were going to ask me, my lie- Yo-gurt.

— Yes. Yes it was. (It was not)

— I will be heading off now. Again, come down when you wish to eat breakfast. Goodbye.

— Bye... - said Yogurt Cream Cookie, hesitant about Lilac's presence not being there with him.

As soon as the door closed, Yogurt laid back on bed with a long sigh. He then closed his eyes and put his hands on his face. He felt so stupid. He didn't even know why. What did he felt about his bodyguard? It was still a mystery to him. Or was it?

As Lilac left the room, he head back to his small room, sat on the bed, and thought.

Thought about what Yogurt had told him. It was as his voice was echoing in his head.
"Can I trust you?"
"You won't betray me, will you?"
"I trust you with every single jewel I have."

That hit him hard.
The purple haired cookie felt tears form in his eyes.

He wiped them off.

"It's okay, Lilac Cookie was here to protect me! Right, Lilac?"

His eyes were now filled with water. Tears dropping from them to his cheeks. He then gave up. He laid on his bed and just let sadness take over him.

Nothing was supposed to be done anymore. This was fate. Fate isn't supposed to be changed. Fate cannot be changed.
And his fate was to assassinate his lover.

Trust {Yogurt Cream x Lilac}Where stories live. Discover now