「🌙」𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨; 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦

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❤︎ ━━━━━━━━━


seoul, south korea

night has fallen upon the city of seoul, basking everything in darkness, the only light being provided by streetlights, fluorescent signs and car headlights.
a sleek, black car dashing down the empty streets, until it leaves the busy city, entering a small, quiet, posh neighborhood.

the girl sitting in the backseat of the car, tightly clutched onto a white bag.

the car began driving slower once it reached the biggest house, at the cul de sac of the neighborhood, pulling up towards the gate, typing in a code.
when the gate finally opened, the car pulled into the driveway, parking.
the driver exited the car wand walked to the backseat, opening the door and the girl steps out.

the driver closes the door and bows at the young lady.
good luck ms. minatozaki.
the driver says.
sana giggles softly.
i don't need luck, but thank you for worrying.

sana walks up the pathway, pass the garden and hedges, up to the front door.
she types in a code on the keypad, waiting until she hears a satisfying beep, then opens the door, walking inside confidently.

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she enters the house, and walk through the long hallway until she enters the huge, vacant living room.
she makes her way towards the elevator near the back of the room, enters it and presses the a button taking her to the third floor.
when the elevator opens, she is faced with a long, white corridor, only decorated by paintings.
she makes her way to the end of the corridor, sounds of laughter and conversation getting louder with each step.

once she is close enough to the door, she knocks. once, then twice.

come in!
a voice from behind the door exclaims.
sana pushes the door open, and immediately seven pairs of eyes are on her, some giving her welcoming smiles, but she pays it no mind.

the six younger men are all sitting on the sofas, while the eldest is sitting at his desk.
sana gives him a soft smile.
hey chris! the items just arrived from japan.
sana says as walks up towards the dark haired males' desk, passing over the bag to him.
she the backs away to sit on one of the loveseats at the back of the room.

took them long enough.
christopher mutters in an irritated tone.
he spins his chair around to face his desk.
he put the white bag on the desk and began unzipping it.
the males from the sofa walking towards the desk, surrounding the older male with curious eyes.

he begins by taking out the endless stacks of money, restacking them on his desk in a pyramid shape, the males behind him cheering excitedly.
a smile began to creep Its way onto his face.
he pulled out the pictures one by one, passing them around to the others, analyzing and talking each and every one of them.

chris' smile begins to fade when he sees that something is missing.
the others seemed to also realize this and cease thier talking.
sana, who feels something is off, gets up from the chair and walks towards christophers desk.
she gasps softly.

christopher had gotten eerily quiet.
the others step backwards, begining to feel suffocated by chris' dark aura.

he pushes himself up from his chair, and walked out of the room.
the others follow behind.
they all crowd into the elevator, riding it up to the fifth, and top floor in absolute silence.

𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴; 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙉Where stories live. Discover now