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It started at my friend Brittany brthday party, we were going down to Bakersfeild. Before I start I'm Sarah and I have blond hair with blue eyes and my friend is Brittany has black hair with green eyes. Also, my boyfriend Davy has sandy blond hair and gorgeous sky blue eyes. Back to the party we went to dinner and Brittnay caused a big scene with Davy because she likes him but he likes me. Its about a month later and she keeps on birnging the stuff that happend at her party. We are at a dance for school and she brings it up again and Davy is done with all of her drama she keeps on saying that he bringingvit up but its her and its making him really upset. That makes me really mad at her and also, Davy and Brittany say their not friends anymore and thats finr with me because I'm still upset with Brittany. A few hours later I get a text from Davy saying that him and Brittany made up of course how does her always keeping on forgiving her she always makes him feel this way. Oh, and also at the dance some girl comes up to Davy and tells him to break up with me because he is moving this summer, to top it all off. Last month I cut myself because I have been going through a lot with my dad leaving me when I was one and I'm just now finding out that he is in jail . I have a half sister and so many other things. with the stuff going on and me not wanting to graduate this pushes me over the edge so, I cut myself tonight. I get bullied at school for my dancing and it hurts because I am going to go to a dance university when I grow up and I get bullied for a lot of other things. I never tell anybody that I get bullied or that I have thoughts of well um killing myself but noybody nows that not even my boyfriend or my best friends. I don't think that anybody will care if I'm gone but I am not there yet but i am very close to it. I wish life was easier then I wouldn't feel this pain or hunt inside. Almost every night I cry myself to sleep thining about everything. I get called slut and conceded at school but I act like I'm conceded because it makes me feel better about myself once and awhile but sometimes the pain and hurt is too strong to act like I'm ok. I have been to strong for to long I need other people to be strong because I can't do it anymore.


Lets see if anybody will comment or think its real or not

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2013 ⏰

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