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Yibo was crying in his room voices can be heard outside. Zhan was looking at Yibo's room door but without doing anything he went into his room.
Crack* Crack * Crack ****

Yibo heard cracking sound he was frightened he looked around and understood that something is happening on the otherside of wall but he remained silent.

Zhan was breaking things whatever he got in his hand like 2 vases, 3 wine bottles, his mobile and he was about to throw laptop but Yubin came at time and stopped him.

Zhan!! Have you gone mad what are you doing look at yourself...you've hurted your hand...

Yubin just get out I'm not in a mood to talk with anyone so just go...

Yeah Sure..The great Xiao Zhan is not in mood to talk...why?? Because it's first time someone hurted your so called ego...
Someone took stand against your deeds...that's why?

Yubin blurted angrily 😠
Zhan was looking his bleeding hand and once again he took a bottle at last and threw on the floor and dashed out.
Yubin sighed and ran behind Zhan but saw that Zhan was going somewhere in his car.
Cold breeze, sound of waves, bonfire 🔥 and there was our great Xiao Zhan. He was drunk still there were more bear canes.
Zhan's mind was in chaos; What was in his mind anger but reason was unclear.

Wang Yibo why? Why You did that ? Why you have to oppose me everytime?
And in last you are the one crying and showing you are pitiful.

Saying himself his heart out he stood up and left from there for home.
Clock showed time 2 am when Zhan came back. He was going toward his room but stopped infront Yibo's room. He wanted to knock on door but was hesitate to do that so directly went to own room..
It was breakfast time everyone was there but no one dared to speak Yibo still didn't come to dinning table.
Zhan left for company Yubin was with him.

Zhan was in studio but his mind was not in right state. He was unable to focus on his shooting.

Yibo cried and cried he was crying for Zhan's behaviour also because he was missing his family specially his mom.
He locked himself in for whole day.

Zhan came home early directly went to Yibo's room and banged his door.

Yibo frightened. He was thinking what happened. Zhan shouted-

Wang Yibo open the door right now...
If not I'll break this damn door.

Yibo thought for a while and stood up he went in bathroom took a deep breath splashed some water on his face. After cleaning his face he went to open the door
Zhan was continuously banging.
He stopped when saw doorknob clicked.
And Yibo opened the door.
He was looking down when Zhan grabbed his hand and welcomed himself inside and locked the room behind.

W-why are you locking the door??

Because today I'm going to do something I never did in my life...

Hearing this Yibo took some steps backwards he was afraid.
But Zhan spoke-

Look here! I'm saying this because I think what I did yesterday was not appropriate so....


So... I'mSorry....


What? Why are you looking me like this?

Actually I'm processing what you said?

I said I'm SORRY...

Yibo was speechless while saying sorry Zhan dashed out of room.
Mrs.Jiang and Yubin both exchanged look smiling. They heard Zhan when he said sorry because When Zhan was banging at door they were worried for Yibo so they kept an eye on him and when he went inside they eavesdropped.

Mrs.Jiang was happy because for the first time her son said sorry to someone. That was something new.

*knock knock *

Come in...


Oh Aunty Jiang...

Not fair Yibo I'm your mother in law call me mom...

Okay aun...😐op mom...

I'm here to talk with you...I know your marriage didn't happen on good terms but believe me my A-zhan is not bad by heart just give him some time ... I think this is the first time we are talking like this and I'm asking something from you but I believe you are the one who can cure my A-zhan's wounds...

Yibo kept listening her. He was not sure what to say so he just nodded saying that Mrs.Jiang left from there while Yibo was thinking about Zhan's sorry and Mrs.Jiang's words.


Thank you 😊

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