headcanons <33

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this is the headcanons of the four of them! + bloodmoon :) so lets start


people in this chapter :)



suns headcanons


sun likes to use he/him and they/them pronouns alot but the kids dont understand they/them so the kids use he/him sometimes there is a kid or two who understand they/them and use they/them as well

sun LOVES when he gets to help moon put kids to sleep because its very rare for him to see sleepy kids

they are more of a dog then cat person but still loves cats just as equally

his ✨️personality✨️ is kinda like:



half innocent half not

cares for moon and lunar just the same

he has no favourite sibling

doesnt hate eclipse that much but if something happens he instantly thinks its eclipse

his ✨️sexuality✨️ and ✨️gender✨️:

he is a staight ally and he is a male just with different pronouns

they ✨️like✨️:

hanging out with children

the sun (duh)

his siblings

ro- the galmrocks (as friends)

eating glitter glue


they ✨️hate✨️:


rule breakers (rule breaker! rule breaker!!)

the dark (cause hes scared)

pretty much nothing


moons headcanons


moon uses he/him pronouns and the kids understand that and use them

moon loves helping the kids go to sleep he thinks its calming to just help kids without them being scared of him

hes mainly a cat and dog person, he cant choose what one he loves more

his ✨️personality✨️ is kinda like:

overprotective of his brothers

cold-hearted but can be pure-hearted sometimes

not innocent not one bit

he likes sun more cause sun never tried to kill him or never took over his body but he still likes lunar just as much

suns his favourite sibling

hates eclipse with his guts

his ✨️sexuality✨️ and ✨️gender✨️:

S.A.M.S/E.A.L.S (+ bm) x y/n stories! {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now