The day waited for 4 years

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*Nate maloley imagine*

4 years. 4 years of being next to my best friend, the love of my life, the person I fought with countless times but still managed to work things out with, the person I've visited hundreds of places with and many more left to see and now we're getting married...
I'm getting married to Nathan Montgomery Maloley. My soul mate. Today was the day that we'd share our lifes forever, if God allows it. Today was the day that I thought about EVERYDAY for the past 4 years.
Everyone was here. The Jacks, Sammy, my family and his. I was still getting my make up done by his sister. I loved her for being so kind with me and helping us organize this beautiful wedding. "You look nervous" she said smiling. "I am. This is all so... I just can't believe it's actually happening you know?" I replied smiling and looking at the floor. "I can imagine. Getting married to the man of your dreams? That's a beautiful and once in a lifetime thing. Don't ruin it." she said as she finished up my make up. "I definitely won't. This is too good to let go of" I said.

Nate's POV
"Hey man. You almost done?" Sammy said as he walked in through the hotel room we were staying at. "Yeah bro. Almost ready" I said with a sigh at the end. "You're nervous I can tell" he said as he laughed, and I gave him a serious face. I had never felt this nervous before or have these many butterflies in my stomach. "Don't be man. Today is the day you're gonna marry ______ . C'mon, smile. You've been waiting for this moment since 2 years ago" he continued saying. "Sammy, thanks bro. You've been here for everything I've gone through and you're just amazing man. I'm nervous and I think I'm even more nervous with what you said, but hey you tried to calm me down right?" I told him as we both laughed. He finally gave me a pat in the back and gave me a hug as Gilinsky walked in the room saying "Yo Nate. It's time to leave." those words just echoed in my head as I felt like falling to the floor because of how nervous and excited I was. It was time to go marry her. The woman of my dreams. . .

Your POV
I was finally done with my hair and make up. Now, I was gonna put on my dress. The white dress in which Nate would see me for the first time. My mom helped me put it on since I couldn't pull up the zipper from the back side. I loved it. It was tight from top to bottom and it was very long. Some sparkly parts at the top but nothing too exaggerating. I finally put on my silver colored high heels. I was ready. My mom's eyes were watery and I told her, "oh mom! Don't cry! You're gonna make me cry. I want you to smile today all day long. For me please." I hugged her as she told me "I just can't believe my baby girl is getting married! She's finally getting married and ready to live her life on her own with a man she is madly in love with. I'm so happy for you sweetheart. I love you please don't forget that." ok I couldn't help but let down some tears because my mom and I were inseparable and now I was leaving her as I went off to live my life with Nate. I didn't regret it, but I definitely felt sad about my mom. We cleaned our tears and we waited for Nate and everyone else to get here. 15 minutes later, our families, the Jacks, Sammy and nate were here. I had to get ready in a small room at church so that I wouldn't be late.
I peeked through a small hole on the door as I saw that everyone was sitting down and Nate was at the front talking with one of my uncles. Oh man. He looked GOOD in that tux. Suddenly, the church bells rang and it was time for my dad to take me to where Nate was. I came out of the room as my dad waited for me near the door. I could tell that he almost cried. We had a pretty close father-daughter relationship too. I took him by the arm as he kissed me on the cheek and I just smiled at him. We started to walk down the aisle. Every single person in that room, was looking at me. I felt extremely happy to see that my family, friends, and Nate's were here today on our special day. I couldn't stop smiling at everyone as we passed by them. Then, I turned to look at Nate... Was he crying? I noticed his eyes were crystalized like never before. He just stood there smiling as he saw as my dad and I walked towards him. When we got there, I let go of my dad's arm so that he could shake hands with Nate. They smiled at eachother and that made me feel even better. Throughout the whole ceremony, he looked at me at least a hundred times. Smiling. At last it was time for us to give eachother the rings. "Nathan, will you take ______ to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish her friendship and love her today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor her, laugh with her and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" the priest asked. "I will" answered Nate with a huge smile which showed his cute dimples. "________, will you take Nathan to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish his friendship and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" my hands were shaking and the tears were close to rolling down my cheeks as I answered "I will." The priest then said "Groom, you may kiss the bride!" before that even happened, we held hands looking into echothers eyes, widely smiling and kind of laughing. He approached my face slowly as he held my face with both of his hands. Everyone was clapping and cheering as they saw us. Suddenly, I felt his lips pressed on mine. The kiss was slow, and full of love.

Nate's POV
_____ was FINALLY mine. Now I did have the right to call her ALL MINE. As we kissed I couldn't help but think how beautiful she looked in that white dress. We kissed for about 20 seconds and spereated from eachothers face as I was still holding her face in my hands. I grabbed her by the hand walking down the aisle to walk outside with everyone else walking behind us. Once outside, everyone congratulated us by hugging us, giving us a kiss on the cheek or a simple handshake. "Skate! Congratulations man. You're married!" Gilinsky said while hugging me and patting me on the back. So did Johnson and Sammy.
The limo finally arrived after 30 minutes of meeting outside with our families and friends. _________ and I got in it. We finally had an hour with ourselves before we arrived at our wedding celebration. We drove throughout Nebraska. The beautiful city where I fell in love with her. We stood up to look through the top of the limo and enjoy the city lights together. Everything was beautiful tonight only because I had my wife next to me. "Nate, I love you so damn much" she said looking at me , grabbing my face with her small hands and kissed me. The air blowing in our faces, the city lights around us and kissing eachother felt amazing. A feeling that I hope will never end. Our hour was over and we got to the reception hall. When we arrived, everyone clapped and smiled to see us together. I couldn't even explain how great it felt to see my parents here and especially my mom. She looked excited. After dinner, _________ and I had our dance. We danced The Matrimony by Wale (you can keep listening to it until the end). I have no idea how we danced it but we were having so much fun together.
The night was long. We danced with all of our family memebers and friends. It was a night to remember... Forever.

Your POV
Everything came out like I imagined it to. Just like I hoped so, my family, Nate's and our friends, all had a blast. Throughout the whole night, Nate and I couldn't get our eyes off eachother. If we were talking with someone, we somehow ended up looking at eahcother. Man, I couldn't help stop looking at him. I felt the same way I first saw him. It was a feeling in which I just couldn't get enough of him. I had to be with him all day or maybe just look at him or hear his voice for me to make it through the day. Nate was the answer to my life's biggest question, 'how will I ever find happiness?' I felt safe in his arms, loved, warm, everything good about life, I felt it when I was with him. All of those times we didn't speak when we fought, it felt like hell, but now, when we fight, we will work it out because life is not ment to be lived mad it's ment to be lived with happiness.

Nate's POV
I wanted to surprise _______. When the party was over , I took her to our new house. Where we would hopefully spend years in together. I put on a blind fold on her as I drove for 20 minutes out of town. "Nate! Where are you taking me?" she asked laughing. Gosh her lips were so kissable. "Don't worry, you'll love it. We're almost there" I replied. When we got there, I helped her out of our car and placed the keys to our house in her hand. As I took the blind fold off , she almost cried. I wasn't expecting that, I was hoping she would just smile. "No you didn't." she said. "I did". She hugged me so tight kissing my cheek. I carried her into the house wedding style like most husbandS and wifes do. Once inside I locked the door with one of my hands and took her up stairs...

Your POV
I couldn't believe Nate was crazy enough to buy us our own house! Could tonight get any better? Oh yes it could. As we entered the room upstairs, our bed had rose petals on it with the words "I love you_____" and there were candles all over the place. This was beautiful. I was the luckiest girl in the world to be married to Nathan Maloley. He placed me on the bed as we kissed eachother. He took off my dress as I took off his shirt. The night was magical.
I always wondered how it felt like to wake up next to the love of your life and here I was next to him. The man I felt safe with, the man I will build my own family with, the man who made me fall in love with him each time I looked at him. Nathan Montgomery Maloley . . .

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2015 ⏰

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