The Flower That Never Blooms

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Beneath the sky, bearing the sun's scorching heat. Not knowing the happiest day of their lives turns into a painful memory.

Across the busy street, there is a cafe that is full of exhausted customers. It is owned by a beautiful lady, Melody Parks. She is taking care of the cafe for her mother, who is currently at the hospital for recovery. Many men in the city wanted her hand in marriage, but little did they know that Melody has a boyfriend who she has been dating for 3 years.

Across the cafe, an office company where Melody's love works, known as Samuel Evergrey. An energetic, trustworthy person who caught many women's hearts, but little did they know that Samuel is secretly planning to propose to Melody.

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After their work shift, both of them returned to their house. Samuel removed his coat and hanged it over the closet. He went to his room to lay down on the bed. Melody, on the other hand, is about to finish cleaning up the cafe until her phone vibrated.

"Hey Melody, how's your day going?"

As Melody about to text him back, she voice called him to hear his sweet, deep voice.

"Honey~", she said in a playful manner.

"Melody, you know how I get flustered when you call me that!" A shy chuckle was heard afterwards.

"Oh ahaha! Sorry for teasing you. Ahh, and my day's going pretty well honestly. How about you?"

"I'm good actually... well sort of. I was glaring at the customers who miserably failed for trying to take your hand."

"Oh my, you saw that? Ehehe... But you know who stole my heart, right?" Giggled Melody.

"Melody, I can't wait for us to be together again. I miss you so bad that I cry myself to sleep... "

"Oh... I feel the same way as well. But don't worry, we will meet again very soon."

They talked for hours until it's time to say goodbye. Samuel can't wait to meet her again. He remembered her words and texted Melody before he could miss this chance. They're busy with work in earning money, not even a single day off.

Day by day, night by night, they couldn't wait for the final day. They continued their work even though Melody's curiosity increased.

"I wonder why..."

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It is December 31, where they will meet at a cliff. Below it, is an ocean with waves crashing to each other.

Melody stared at the scenery, but still wondered what's Samuel taking so long. She throws stones and pebbles at the ocean to pass time.

Patiently waiting, Samuel arrived and the both of them embraced each other. Not letting go until Melody spoke.

"So... *sob* what's taking you so long?"

"Sorry for the wait. I made this day a wonderful memory for the both of us."

Hearing his words, Melody's conclusions started to pile up.

They made eye contact for minutes, telling each other stories...

"I miss him very much, but something feels off... But I can't tell what it is."

Soon, a car stopped by. Out of the car, is a fine lady dressed in a white outfit, who is walking towards Samuel.

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