14.Surprise or shock

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As time passed Yibo got some freedom by Zhan like now he was able to go and meet his family.
His father was not happy with his decision but accepted for Yibo's sake.

His sister supported him even she gave ideas to Yibo about making Zhan fall for him but Yibo never agreed he was waiting for Zhan's decision particularly for their divorce.

He was still Zhan's assistant on shooting sets. He didn't talk to him because he was afraid that Zhan will torture him or hurt him so kept a safe distance.

One day when Zhan came home with Yibo and Yubin.
As soon as door opened suddenly someone hugged Zhan.
Yibo lifted his eyes and saw a girl was hugging Zhan tightly almost chocking him.
For a second Yibo felt hurt but why?

Without looking back Yibo went to his room Zhan saw him leaving.
He pushed the girl -

What the hell is wrong with you Sister in law??

Don't talk to me like this Zhan baby...
I wanna give you surprise that's why I do this.

You know what it's not a surprise but more like a shock.
Now move.....
And one more thing behave yourself now I'm married and dd will not like this....

Ohhh! so but where is your wife? I didn't see her...
She smirk!!!

Zhan left from there and barged into Yibo's room. Yibo was biting his nails.

Pack up your things!

Whatt?? Are you finally giving me my freedom I mean divorce.

Dear dd don't think too much with this little brain of yours; just pack your things you are moving in my room..

What? What? What? 😨
No way! Not in million years I Wang Yibo is not going to live with you 😠

Don't force me dd! You know me very well...just pack your things....
Actually leave this I'll ask to Maid to pack your things you just come with me...

Zhan slowly slide his hand in Yibo's hand and lead him in his room.
Yibo was looking the room in awe.
Hella big room but what a color choice seriously gray color 😐

Zhan went in bathroom for taking a bath when Yibo was busy in exploring room.

After sometime Zhan came out...

Now go and take a bath...

Aa wait a min but my stuff is not here...

you go I'll ask someone to move your stuff here...

Ok thanks !
At dinner time Mrs.Jiang was preparing dinning table. Mr.jiang and Cheng was not at home they were attending a wedding.
Yubin came and took his seat Zhan also sat down but when Yibo was about to sit Ziyi came and pushed Yibo lightly and sat down near Zhan. Yibo looked her but without saying anything he was about to sit next chair when--

Dd wait a minute!

Yibo looked at Zhan-

Ziyi now this is time to introduce my partner to you...

Yeah where is she?

Not she its he...he is my life partner, my husband Xiao Yibo...

What oh Zhan stop joking you were never into men...

I'm not joking.

Hahaha seriously!!!!!

Ziyi was laughing hardly. Which was not good for Yibo. For some reason he was hurt and sad.
Zhan stoodup from his chair took Yibo's hand and lead him to his chair near him.

Ziyi didn't like it. She felt embarrassed so without having dinner she left from there.

Someone was happy looking all this ofcourse Mrs.Jiang and Yubin.
They silently ate their dinner.

Dd remember one thing now this your seat near me ok !

Yibo nodded.

Zhan where am I supposed to sleep??

Dd first of all you should call me ge or Zhan ge! Don't you think so?

Ohh! Umm! Ohk Zhan ge!

Hmm good now go and sleep on bed I'm going to sleep on couch..

On couch?

Yeah why? you prefer me sleep on bed with you? 😈

Whhat? No way! Just go...go..

Like that both drifted to sleep 😴 💤

But there was someone who was planning something....




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