Our Life ♥️

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Ohm's Pov.......

When I woke up.....first thing I saw a beautiful creature laying next to me... curling against me.....I smiled myself.... he is looking so cute.....I kissed his forehead then his both eyes....bite his nose softly........ and gave him a long peck on his lips.

"Good morning my sunshine" I said pulling him more close to me by his waist......in return he smiled at me without opening his eyes and bury his face on my chest making me chuckle at his behavior......now it's became our habit to wake up like this daily.

"Sleep more.....I will make you breakfast...Ok baby" I said while nudging my nose with his.....he nod his head and went back to sleep again.....I also got up quickly..... completed my morning routine.....and started making breakfast for him.

I never thought that my life could be so good my all dreams came true..... waking up every morning and finding him laying next to me...... wake him up everyday give him breakfast in bed.....I always get up before him just to see his sleeping face now it's all became my habit..... which I don't wanna change.

Going to Office together every morning.... watching movies in free time..... going out for walks and romantic dates....shopping..... long drives.....and doing long makeout sessions in my Cabin....our life is going well.

"Why did you wake up baby....don't wanna sleep more" I said when he hugged me from behind tightly...... I'm setting up the table for breakfast.

"Aren't you spoiling me a lot these days....you give me expensive gifts everyday....take me out for dinners..... always give me my favourite chocolates and make healthy breakfast for me everyday......so should I call you sugar daddy" He said turning me towards him while making a pout.

"If I don't spoil you then who will spoil you like this....and if I don't give all these things to you then whom will I give....my sugar baby" I said pinching his cheeks softly while kissing his pout.....I hugged him tightly nuzzling into his neck.

"Listen I have a surprise for you.....get ready" I said kissing his neck....he broke the hug and looked at me puzzled.

"Again....how many surprises you wanna give me now..... don't you get tired of this" he said with frown wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Never.... everything about you is very special and important to me....and there is no chance of getting tired.....now eat  your breakfast...then later I will give you....your medicines" I said making him sit on the chair while ruffling his hairs softly.

......One hour later........

Nanon's Pov.........

"Ohm atleast give me a little hint about that place.....where you were taking me" I asked him whining.....we both were sitting inside his Car.....he was just silently driving his Car.

"Have some patience Non...as soon as we reached there you will get to know" He said without looking at me....his whole focus was on the road.

Then after half an hour.....we both reached a place..... before getting down from his car.....he blindfolded me and said just follow him.....he was leading me the way while holding my hands carefully.

As soon as he removed my blindfold....I was shocked to see my whole family.....Dew....Uncle Kiet and Korn and Alice they all were standing infront of me...... looking very excited.
As I looked around....I got stunned to see the whole place was beautifully decorated with my favourite flowers.

"So Mr. Nanon Kirdapan will you marry me.....I want to hold your hands..... and tell you that how amazing it is to love you" Ohm said while kneeling down infront of me.....he was holding a ring.

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