60. Strong Moon pt. 3

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"How much longer?" I panted, climbing yet another hill.

We were nearing Hidden Moon, and our surroundings were growing more steep and moving, preparing us for the vast mountain area where Kima's wolves would await us.

We had also chosen the more bewildering paths, in the hopes of not running into dangerous strangers again, which didn't help with my stamina.

"We can get there by tomorrow if we can keep up this pace," Jerr answered. Of course, while I was out of breath, the hillsides didn't seem to affect him in the slightest.

"You know..." I spoke, in between breaths, "you've never told me what city we're going to."

"Apicya," Jerr answered amused, the word coming out like the sound of a flute.

"Apicya," I repeated. "Is it like the capital of Hidden Moon?"

"Yes, it's the center of their pack life. But it's not as big as Rahas. Or even as city-like."

"What do you mean?"

We'd reached the top of this hill, graveling between the high grass and the wild bushes. Jerr didn't halt when he began his way down again, and ahead of us, I could spot a few more hills we needed to climb.

In the far distance, I saw the outskirts of yet another forest, but this one disappeared in the skies, covered in white, presumably protecting a mountain area.

We were close, now.

"Apicya is a word from our ancient tongue. It means secret. Hidden Moon has quite a lot of wolves that are blessed with Kima's gift, but even so, they have found other techniques for hiding and concealing themselves. Their entire pack is hidden away, some wolves living in the trees, others in caves. If you know where to look, you could find Apicya, but most wolves only believe of its existence in legends."

"Then how are we getting there?" I asked him.

He playfully raised his shoulders, sending me another wicked grin as he looked back at me. "I've been there before, I know where to look."

"Of course, you have," I sighed. "Let me guess - because you're an almighty powerful wolf, and you saw it in a stranger's mind?"

"If only it were that easy," he chuckled. "Kima's wolves are excellent at hiding their thoughts, too."

"Then how do you know of this mysterious secret city?"

"I'm friends with the Alpha. Oh, don't look so surprised, Sari. Are you this shocked that I have friends?"

"Yes," I laughed. "How did you end up befriending the Alpha, anyway?"

"We Ascended together."

"Oh," I stated. "I didn't make any friends on my Ascension," I added, quietly.

"You were too busy with your survival," Jerr said, gently. His eyes twinkled with sympathy as he slowed down, allowing me to catch up and walk beside him.

"I guess so."

"Besides, if I do remember correctly, weren't you hitting it off with two other wolves? The two gifted ones, nonetheless?"

"Mage and Tymen." A smile tugged at my lips at the reminder of my talks with them. It had been odd, to receive a stranger's kindness. More so, receiving kindness from strange wolves, instead of the usual hatred and hostility. Looking back on it, Mage and Tymen might have been the first encounter I had with other wolves, where I didn't truly fear for my life, or my sanity. After Leya, of course.

"Wasn't one of them from Hidden Moon? The redhead?"

"Yes," I confirmed. "Tymen possessed Kima's gift. And he stayed in this pack, right?"

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