15.Surprise or Shock part 2

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Yibo was sleeping peacefully on bed when Ziyi came in room with coffee.

Goood Moorninggg.....

Yibo was still in sleep and looked toward source of voice he wokeup. He was worried Ziyi looked them that they are not sleeping together but when he saw her eyes and in the direction where she was looking he felt relieved but wait...
What is he doing here and sleeping beside me. You Xiao Zhan.

Umm good morning Ziyi..

Wished Zhan to Ziyi..

Zhan I came to give you coffee I'm sure your husband don't know how to prepare coffee...

Wrong actually my husband know very well...in fact now I only drink the coffee he prepare for me..
So you can go, we don't need your coffee...and you should learn some manners you know knocking on door before coming inside...

But I never did that before...

I know but now I'm married so take a note...

Poor Yibo don't know what was happening just looking back and forth to both of them.
Ziyi stomped out of room.
Yibo looked Zhan 🤨


What is there to explain 🤔

Xiao Zhan what are you doing here beside me on bed...you were sleeping on couch...

Oh Please! I know Ziyi very well she was here to check us if our relationship is real or not...

But why she'll do this...

You don't need to know.

Ok but you also don't need to come so close to me you know...

Why are afraid I'll do something to you....


Don't worry I'm not interested at all...

Saying that he left to bathroom. Yibo sat there confused 😕
Nevermind I'll find out about this whole thing sooner or later.
Again he went back to his sleep 😴 💤

 Again he went back to his sleep 😴 💤

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Zhan came out and saw sleeping Yibo. He was looking cute.
Zhan looked at him for whole 2 minutes but on his lips there was a smirk 😈
He left for company with Yubin today he didn't said to Yibo to come with him.

Its been one week Zhan and Yibo living in same room now they were little bit comfortable with each other and sometimes fight with each other. Until now Zhan was used to say sorry; also because of Yibo Zhan got closer to his mother now he stopped talking rudely to his mom also instead of calling Mrs.Jiang he again started calling her mom.

One day Yibo came downstairs for breakfast actually it was lunch time.
Mrs.Jiang was reading book when he went near her and sat down.
After taking almost 5 minutes he spoke-

Umm mom..!

Yes Yibo...

Christmas is around corner are not we going to prepare for Christmas??

Yibo! I always wanted to celebrate Christmas but since Zhan lost his father he never celebrated Christmas and no one is allowed to celebrate in this house...

But I always celebrated Christmas and I want to with my family so if not here I'll go home...

Actually you can if you want...because you did many new things in this house like Zhan said sorry and his room's color...
He started to call me mom...my son he'll listen to you I'm sure...

*yeah now Zhan's room color is green 😬 you know whose fav color is green🤭*

That day when Zhan came back to home he saw some big and small packages were there.


Zhan ge...

Yibo came downstairs...

What's all this ??

I ordered all this with the help of mom...this is for Christmas...

Who said that you can celebrate Christmas in my house...

Zhan shouted at Yibo. And boy who was listening his eyes were shining because there were tears in his eyes but he didn't utter a single word because he was ready for a scolding but Zhan and his anger.
At the corner there was Ziyi who was seeing everything and enjoying.

When Zhan left Yibo there and went in his room Ziyi also went behind him.

Zhan baby I know your husband ruined your mood....want a head massage??

Who said you are allowed in my room... Jiang Ziyi remember one thing clearly what is happening with me or my husband it's not your concern so leave me alone before I do something bad....

Oh Zhan please stop this drama I know there's nothing between you and your so called husband...
And what happened to your taste You married him....very disappointing....tuchk

It's not your business....just leave from here dammit 😠

Ziyi knew Zhan's anger was now out of line so she left hurriedly but bad luck Yibo came in room.
Zhan looked at him and threw a vase at floor before locking himself inside bathroom.
Yibo was shocked by Zhan's behaviour but understood that unknowingly he opened his old wounds.
I don't know Zhan ge what happened with you in the past but I'll try to make up that for you...this year's Christmas we will create good memories.


Thank you for reading the story 😊

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