Chapter 2

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Cinder concentrated hard, fighting against Wolf. Her instincts acted out, and her mind grasped his bioelectricity, bending in to her will. An arm flew out, and she parried against his arm, blocking his punch, and aimed a kick to his stomach.

Wolf let out a grunt, and Cinder used the moment to kick his feet out from under him, using his own bioelectricity to catch him off balance. She placed her boot on his chest, and he grinned, satisfied with her new trained abilities.

Kai tossed Cinder a bottle of water, and she gulped it down, feeling her skin escalate in temperature.

Warning, escalating body temperature. Cool down taking place in 5...4...3... Safe Body Temperature achieved.

Since Cinder's Lunar gift had started to break out, her cyborg side effects had started to dull. She couldn't maintain a consistent body heat anymore, and her retina vision was blurry sometimes. Maybe it was the presence of the moon, or Artemisia looming in the distance.

"You okay?" Kai asked, and she grinned. Despite the bruises on her cheekbone and legs, she felt perfect.

"I feel great," Cinder replied, taking another swig of the water.

Oh yeah, and she couldn't seem to stay very hydrated for long either. Her body normally tried to conserve water, another thing like maintaining body heat, but she found herself drinking more and more water as time went on.

"Are you still having nightmares?" Kai asked, sliding over to sit closer to her. Cinder dropped her head to have it rest against Kai's shoulder.

"Yeah, except..." Her voice trailed off.

"Except what?" Kai asked.

"It's nothing," Cinder said, but Kai jerked back. Cinder jerked her head upright.

"Except what?!" Kai demanded, suddenly getting angry.

"Except this time, I'm not the one that's burning. You are," Cinder said, looking down at her knees.

Kai wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and pulled her closer.

"Cinder, you're going to be fine." Kai reassured her, and she sighed.

"But will you be fine?" Cinder asked, slightly aggravated.

"I make sure that I'm fine. I promise" Kai said.

"The problem is promises can't always be kept. No matter how hard you try and keep them." Cinder said, and leaned her head on Kai's shoulder again.

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