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"Marvelle?" The young father put his hands on his hips, waiting for the familiar giggle of his mischeviour daughter. It didn't come. He tried to stifle the worry from his voice. "Marvelle, it's time to come out now!"

"Lord Louis!" The girl's latest caretaker, Adania, ran into the room. For a moment he grew hopeful, but when he saw Marvelle wasn't with her his heart fell. Adania looked on the verge of tears. "She is not with Lord Lysandre or Lord Darius, neither have seen her since breakfast."

Louis closed his eyes, trying to think of where they hadn't searched.

"I am so, so sorry!" Adania sputtered out. She was young, hardly in her fifteenth year. "I swear I was watching her. I turned my back for a moment, only a moment! Then she was gone!"

"Calm yourself." The Lord kept his own temper steady. Yelling at the poor girl would help nothing. "Marvelle is only playing a game. I'm sure she is hiding. She may have gotten bored... go check with her brother again."

He opened his eyes and looked at the girl. She was trembling, her cheeks wet with fresh tears.

"Go." He ordered.

She took off without another word.

He sighed. The reason they hired Adania was for her youth, although he now realized it may have been a misstep. Marvelle had run from so many older caretakers that couldn't keep up, he had been hopeful for this one. There wasn't enough discipline in the world to keep that girl still. If she wasn't hiding, she was chasing after her brother to watch his swordplay, or to the top room of the tower to gaze out the window at—

Louis bolted from the castle; towards the monster he knew awaited him.

Living in a home called 'The Dragon Spire' meant that the beasts were common guests, but Valmir had made their field his home. He was an ancient creature, one of the last surviving dragons to cross the Gharic Sea when Eskarian's first brought them over. He was dark as scorched stone, each bump on his back looking like a mountain of its own. Blood red eyes stood out against the otherwise colorless body, watching anyone who dared come near with hunger. His wingspan was large enough to cover the morning sun.

He easily dwarfed the little girl who sat before him.

Marvelle sat with crossed legs, picking at the grass before her. She twisted the blades into little balls and balanced them carefully on the great dragon's nose. He exiled, the grass falling, and she let out a delighted laugh. His breath was fiercer than the wind and blew her silken black hair behind her. Her brown eyes gazed upon him with innocence and she smiled, placing tiny hands against his snout. She looked so unassuming.

How had she managed to get a dragon, one who had been wild for centuries, calm?

Louis couldn't see any potential. All he could see was his daughter sitting beside a beast with fangs as large as she was, and a temper like an animal trap.

"Marvelle!" He ran to his daughter and scooped her into his arms, backing away from the dragon. Valmir lifted his head and watched the pair intently, sending a shiver through Louis' entire body. Marvelled squirmed in his grip, managing to get out of his arms. "How many times must I tell you not to come out here alone?"

"Marc didn't want to come with me, and you and mama weren't there!" Marvelle insisted, looking back at the dragon. "Valmir was watching me!"

He tried to pull her away again, but she jumped back out of reach. She had a fiery determination in her eyes that in most instances would bring pride to his heart, but not with the dragon so close. "And who is watching you from Valmir?" He tried to steady his racing heart, wanting to calm the girl.

"No one needs to watch me! Valmir is my friend!" She moved to return to Valmir, but Louis finally caught her arm, gripping perhaps too hard. "Ow!" She shrieked.

Valmir rose to his front legs, a deep grumble coming from his chest as he stared more intensely at the lord. Fear spread over him like frost.

Louis pulled the daughter close to him, backing away even more, not daring to turn his back on the dragon. Every move was dangerous. "Valmir is a beast." The words caught in his throat, his hand beginning to shake. "He is a dangerous creature and you cannot be near him!"

"You're wrong!"

"My treasure you must listen to me!" He put both hands on her shoulders, looking her in the eyes. "Valmir has hurt people, he could hurt you!"

"That's not true!" Tears welled in her eyes, her hands balling into tight little fists. "Valmir wouldn't hurt anyone!"

Calm wasn't working, he couldn't reason with a girl who had a heart of fire.

"He is far too dangerous to be around!" He snapped. Valmir exhaled sharply but Louis kept his eyes on his daughter. "Marvelle, you will not come out here to see him again! Is that understood!"


"Is that understood?"

From the look in her eyes it was as if her heart broke right then. At last Louis thought he had convinced her...

"No!" Marvelle stomped her feet. "I hate you!"

The dragon was even more agitated, a growl escaping his throat as Marvelle tried to shake free from her father. He grabbed her wrists. "Marvelle, come with me now." He began to lead her back to the castle.

But in one swift motion, she pulled away. Her slender wrist slipped through his fingers and the girl ran back towards the dragon. His heart jumped into his throat.

When Louis looked back at Valmir, he realized in an instant that it wasn't his daughter who was in danger as the beast opened its mouth.

The fire consumed Louis so quickly that no one could have possibly stopped it. Even with his flesh burning off the bone, his body scorched and baked, the last thought Louis had was of his daughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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