Chapter 68

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Fang Xiyan feels that the atmosphere between Li Qingzhou and Liu Bohuai has become strange again recently.

After all, Mr. Li had avoided Mr. Liu and did not see him before.

Although it has eased after that, Mr. Liu also took the children to stay at Mr. Li's house in Xicheng for one night, but later,The feeling that the two of them get along is not like before .

How do you say that word? Seems like... awkward?

But since the bet, this awkward feeling has changed again.

Fang Xiyan really couldn't understand.

Today,Mr. Liu just left when Fang Xiyan entered the office and said, "Mr. Li,Something happened."

Li Qingzhou raised her head upon hearing this.

There was an accident,but it was not the second-generation smart car of Lai's company.

It's the car that Bolton sells that fails unexpectedly-the voice combination lock often fails when starting the car.

This is not an exception.

-Speaking of the Boltons you just bought or bought before, there have been more or less breakdowns.

Some even cost money to repair.

But then the failures again and again for a long time,It's just frustrating and impossible to start.

The voice code lock of Bolton's smart car is mainly used to start the engine.

But some netizens posted a video they shot.

He shot this video at first because he wanted to join in the fun.

Because while waiting to cross the road,his voice lock also suddenly had a problem,then took out the phone to shoot.

But what happened after that was a little unexpected.

-The sound in the video is noisy,At the beginning, it can be seen that the owner himself took the picture with the mobile phone camera.

The camera first moved to the position of the steering wheel,there was a logo that clearly belonged to Bolton Motors,Then the camera moved to the outside of the window.

There is a lot of traffic outside,just above a big road.

The netizen's car was parked behind the crosswalk,waiting for the red light to turn green before driving.

The video can hear the AI ​​voice repeating "Unrecognized, please speak the command again".

Previously, the owner's voice was calm,even with a bit of humor, he joked about the use of the voice password lock function.

Seeing that the seconds are about to count down, the red light is about to turn green, and the engine can't start, especially since his car is still in the first place, the car owner is in a hurry.

He gave up the voice start and took out the car keys in a swearing video, but the engine rang twice and then started to smother the fire.

"Fuck, what are you doing!"

The owner of the car was angry and slammed the steering wheel.

But because someone behind the car started to whistle, he turned the car key to start, and the AI ​​voice sounded-

"Please re-speak the command to identify, please re-...", the car key did not play any role.

The red light has long changed to green, the horn behind the car is honking, and the traffic is constantly passing by, only the owner's car stands still.

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