august 11th SAGES BOOK
i walk to class with charlie (my partner) into first period math. our teacher moved our seats because yesterday, on the first day of school we were way too loud and got everyone in trouble. i got sat next to max and i realized that their so cute. i've never really seen them except at lunch far away. we immediately start talking and finish our work first. we had to talk later because it was a silent room. i got the idea that we can write to each other.
sage: we should write on paper
max: do you have a partner
sage: not anymore
max: ok, i have to go to second period
i go up to charlie and i say "im sorry but i dont like you anymore" charlie got mad and pushed me on the floor. they started to fight me. they got sent to the pricipals office and got sent to another school. i don't know where they went but i don't really care. max is hot and charlie isn't here. mr.goofy asked me if i was ok, i said yes because charlie was really weak. no one told me but apperantly we had a school dance instead of second period. me and max danced together at the dance so long i think i lost a pound or two. i think that was first time i really thought they were hot. the dance was really romantic and i think all the other people dancing were couples. we were the only non couples dancing.
the nonbinary love
Romancetwo people meet up at school on the first day. they soon become best friends and start dating.