"The night that started it all"

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Note: not going to start until August or July by then THE MANY DIFFERENT STAGES OF MAPLE will be done.

Sex,drugs and booze sounds like a party. I for one, don't like parties. In fact people think I'm a huge buzz kill, when it comes to parties. Oh man they don't even know the half of it,and after what happen two years ago. I won't be attending any parties, however I will be seeing them in there funerals. Those assholes deserve to be buried 6 feet underground in a box to rot. I would love to give them quarter, but there from the suburbs. They don't even know what quarter is, so I guess I'm going to have to kill them all.

But first let me introduce myself , the names Marina Clark. A girl whom was once your average straight A's student. With amazing hygiene, and a beautiful personality . Now these days I'm stared down with a huge scar running across my face. All because of Zachary trump. Jock, hottie, and now rapist.

You see when my friends suggested my to attend a huge class party in Kelly bells house. I jumped to the opportunity, me being a newbie. I didn't know there was a herbal substance in the house. Making them wild with energy, it was like a lighthouse was just dropped on them.Drinking games, sexual activity and cocaine. I didn't want to stay anymore.My grandmas house wasn't that far so I walked home. I didn't want to ruin Iris and Riley's fun, just because I didn't feel like Turning it up.

After that it all went down hill. Zachary notice me walking home, so I thought he was just trying to be friendly to the new kid in town When he afford me a ride, but like every horny teen that's not the case. He offers you a ride he expects something in return welcome to society bitch. Now keep in mind I didn't know any better I just thought he was trying to be nice. Thats until he tried to shove his dick down my throat.


"Quit squirming you bitch."

"Help me, get off of me asshole." I tried my best to be set free I even grudge out his eye with my left thumb."

"You dirty little slut, you shouldn't have done that." He yelled while graving his eye.

He slapped me a few times and unzipped my pants. Sliding them down with hunger in his eyes, every bit of touch or contact we made,made me shiver in fear. Tear after tear running down my face, I mean what could've I done I was weak. I was hopeless, and deeply disturbed.

"Let me go!!" Trying to break free from his embrace.

After that everything went black, and I couldn't breath. My first thought was "am I dead?" , But then the next day I woke up in the side of a ditch. With an aching pain on the side of my face. It wasn't until a week later I had realized what had happen. I was raped and slammed into a car window.

It was all over Facebook, with the caption as frisky teens get intense. By the profile of some whore that was just watching me suffer Miranda khors was her name. Everyone thought it was just me with Zachary cheating on his girl friend aka little Rich bitch Tiffany shay. Who promised me that she would make my life a living hell.

From that day on her and her little posey of assholes constantly called me names even one of her minions Faith Willcox nickname me scar face, along with many others like slut, stitches, whore, ect. They ruined my life so much they drove me away to the nuthouse. A rehab facility for depressed teens, but I knew I wasn't suicidal I just wanted revenge. For all the hate and misunderstandings that drove me to be who I am.




"Baby I don't know if we should be doing this, my parent will be home any second."

"Ohhh come on baby girl I have you here in my arms. What's the worst that can happen you're parents killing you."

"I don't know." She whispered to him in doubt.

Now my first Victims were pretty easy. They were you every day normal horny as fuck teenagers. It was like your cheesy horror film where this is slutty girl #1 ready to die, and her jock idiot boyfriend. That tries to ignore the sound of the rustling bush outside the window. By trying to continue to make out. I mean tonight is the night.

So meet bass and Carlie Monroe they high school sweethearts of Malabrookes high.
Carlie Monroe has the fuck girl attitude down. What's even worst is that she is such a Marilyn Monroe copycat. She tried to be someone else and not her as much as possible. Her body is 100 percent fake that she might not die if I try to kill her. But for her boyfriend Bass now he would be an excellent target. I'm talking painting her room with his blood when I'm done.

I approached the front door knowing that they were on a time crunch they wouldn't even bother to lock it. To my surprise the didn't, I slid the mask on I got to cover up my face and made my self up her room.

"Oh baby." she moaned

"You like that babe."

"Yes please, give it to me bass,"

Constantly going back and forth with sexual commenting. Oh I was so ready to shut them up, then again Bass tends to run his mouth a lot.

I stopped by the kitchen to get a knife, considering her daddy is a huge deer hunter. I was hoping to find something very promising,and I did, 8 inch butcher knife.

I couldn't really tell from the crack on the door,but Carlie was on top riding his ass like a donkey. Which I tough would be the perfect opportunity to do what I was destined to. Murder every single student that brought me pain and suffering.

As I opened the door a little screechy noise was produced by it. I was sure in hell caught, so I acted quickly.

"What was-" Carlie barley got out of her big ass mouth.

"Ahhhhhhh." I yelled in power as I plunged the butcher knife from behind her back into her chest. Watching a lot of blood oozing out of her own body. While her boyfriend screamed in terror.

I graved hold of the knife while she yelled in pain ,and pulled it out letting her kneel on the ground facing away from me. Then I did the unthinkable and swung again at her with the knife aiming at her head. Which I did successfully , slicing her top of head in half. Then I kicked her lifeless body to side and proceeded to kill.

"Ahhhh, ahhhhhhhh , Why why why , please "
He begged for mercy, but the damage was done. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of wining yet again. So I walked away pulled out the knife off his girlfriends head and ran towards him.

"No no no NO N-" backing away from me until his back hit the wall.

Stabbing him in his right eye. Something about his eyes twitching and his mouth bubbling with blood brought me pleasure. Brought me relief, and satisfaction upon my self. It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Two were down eleven to go, I though.

Elm grove was voted best suburbs in America. Not after what's going to go down this summer.
It was a cliché, but it was real I didn't want to leave any of them living with there mistakes. I want them to lose everything they've had. Making them question whether they should trust one another or die trying. They took everything from me, my parents, my love, my virginity and my happiness . So the only way I can possibly be even with them is that I take away what's most precious to them..... there life's

I walked out of that house felling more powerful then ever. Hoping that there parents would come early to see the art work of there dead daughter and gutted boyfriend. My work wasn't done , my work has just begun. I just hope that they police know that, they will be dealing with a serial killer ,this is not a one time thing

Bye,bye assholes of elm grove. You'll be nothing when I'm done with you.

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