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    I had just woken up to a loud music blaring next to my ear from my bedside table. I slowly aroused from my bed, shutting off my alarm. It had been a normal Monday for me, or so I thought. I had done my usual routine, after getting out of my bed I went to my closet  and picked out a short, flowy white dress with puffy sleeves that had fallen off the side,  along with a white waist corset to complement it. I then roamed into my clean bathroom locking the door behind me. I undressed from my white nightgown, and stepped into my shower closing the curtain. Feeling the warm, steamy water drip down my skin as I wash my hair. After finishing my shower I stepped out wrapping my body and hair in a towel. I dried myself off, putting my dress on with the corset, keeping my hair in the towel. After scrolling through google for a few minutes, I set my phone down grabbing my brush. I took the towel out, letting my long, wavy, royal blue hair fall down reaching my waist. Taking my brush and a few hair ties, I make a thick braid, falling just above my waist. I bend down, looking in my cabinet under my sink, grabbing a small bag, standing up. I unzipped the bag, pulling  out lavender flowers and sticking them in my hair. Doing a simple natural look for makeup, I look in the mirror at the girl staring back at me. Her big, golden brown eyes staring back at me from a wall of glass just above my sink.
    As I walked down the hall to my kitchen I opened the fridge glancing around. After a while I poured a glass of milk sitting at the counter, looking at the new paper.  My little sister ran up to me, as she sat next to me with my makeup on, smiling, " Sissy do my makeup!"
    I sighed, smiling softly, grabbing my brush as I glanced down at her, " what do we say when we ask for someone Luna?"
My young 5 year old sister stuck out her lip in a pleading way, as she widened her eyes "Pleaseeee"  I grinned then  held her still as I put a nude type of look on her, then got back heading back into the kitchen. Getting a pan out I cracked a few eggs in the pan, only to scrabble them with a fork and added a bit of milk until they looked creamy. As I let it sit there I walked out of the kitchen, into Luna's room grabbing her bag. I opened it, put her stuff for school into it, then went into my room to get my school bag ready. After my stuff was ready, I walked back into the kitching scrambling the eggs and putting them on a plate for my sister, then stood behind her brushing her hair.
After dropping my sister off at her class I wandered through the endless hall, heading to my class. My school had all grades in one building, to cut down money costs. Once at my class I went to the back of the room, sitting on a desk on the right side near the window. I watched as a flood of kids walked into the school, as I tuned out the world around me wondering what life had in store for me. As the crowd lessened outside I turned my attention to the kids in my class, everyone had been so different from one another. There were groups, yes, but no one was quite the same. I glanced at a tall scrawny boy, getting lost in the darkness of his hair. Slowly my eyes went from his hair to his big, baby blue eyes, and soft smile. Then to the girl next to him with her perfect blond locks, and eyes blue as the morning sky. How could two people be so different, yet so close? This was one of the many mysteries of highschool.
"Skyler..SKYLER!" A voice boomed throughout the classroom, as I looked up to my teacher who had been in front of my desk. " Ms. Skyler, are you paying attention whatsoever?! i have been calling your name for the past twenty minutes, and all you have done is goggle at other students!" I smiled softly, feeling my cheeks warm up as if the sun had been directly on me.
"So sorry Mr. Smith, I got lost in thought. It won't happen again, I promise." I mumbled as he walked past my desk and back to his own. He began teaching the normal algebra lesson, only for me to zone out yet again. Gazing out the window, as cherry blossoms floated through the air as if they were people dancing in the moonlight. Bringing my attention back to the lesson I wrote a few notes down, only to start sketching the people around me.
Bring Bring Bring. Kids of every grade flooded into the halls, as I pushed passed people to my next class. Walking into economics, I sat in the front seat getting my notebook out silently. As I wrote down notes, I dropped my pencil. I climbed under the table to grab it as I heard, " This is a lock down, and this is not a drill! I repeat this is not a drill!" With a loud beep as the speaker shut off, all the kids in my class got up scrambling into a small closet in the back. After my teacher quickly locked the door, she scampered to the closet cramming in with us, and locking the door as well. It had been so quiet I'm certain you could hear a pin drop, it had been questionable if anyone was breathing or not. I back myself behind people into a small nook I barely fit in. Looking around at the kids I grew up with, my heart dropped seeing the fear fill the room. 
That's when I heard it echoing down the hall. Bang Bang Bang! We all jumped silently after one another. As the bangs got closer I felt my lungs tighten up.  " Open the Damn door! I know you're in there!" A voice echoed through the room beyond the doors "You can't hide from me!"
It had gone silent for a few moments, that felt as if it had been hours. I couldn't focus on my surroundings anymore, so many things had been racing through my mind. Are we all gonna die? Will I make it out of this? Who is sick enough to do such a thing? It stopped, all the thoughts merged into one topic, Was she ok? Will I see her again, what if she gets shot. I couldn't stop wondering if my sister could make it, if she was alive and ok. How could I just leave her? Why didn't we just stay home that day?! 
RAT-TAT-TAT, RAT-TAT-TAT. My thoughts came to a sudden stop as we heard a voice boom through the room. "Open up, is there anyone in there? It's police officer bob." The loud voice echoed through the rooms as he said, "Open the door if you're in here we are evacuating the building."  It had been as if time itself was slowed down, I could hear everything and see everything. Before I knew it the cabinet door swung open and a short, blond headed girl was walking toward the classroom door. It felt like we were in a movie. I watched as the teacher quickly went to shut the cabinet door, as I also watched my classmate open the door. BANG BANG! I snapped back into reality as through the small crack left as the teacher was shutting the door, the lifeless body of our once classmate fell to the floor with a loud plop the teacher slammed the door locking it.
It had felt as if it had been hours, i couldn't tell what time it was, or if school was over. The bell rang a few times, though I had lost track of how many times. You could hear a pin dropped from the other side of the school at this point, no one had the guts to say anything. We had all been too scared to end up like our classmates.
"The lockdown has been lifted, evacuate the school grounds and go home! We will contact Teachers and family before school next week, to let everyone know if we will be in for school. Please stay in an orderly manner and don't touch anything please and thank you." A loud voice echoed through the empty school breaking the slices with the speakers. The teacher silently opened the door, letting our class flood out into the classroom then the halls. Time had slowed down yet again as I stumbled past the pail, cold body on the floor. Blood had been dripping off of her body on the floor. I followed my class out of the room into the hall as a nauseating feeling formed in my gut. I looked around as I walked. Thick couches of a red liquid have been splattered on the walls.I watched it drip down to the floor, as my eyes caught more lifeless bodies.
"Skyler….SKYLER" someone grabbed my shoulder trying to get me to pay attention. I hadn't been able to move, or breathe. It's as if my heart stopped, the sounds around me of people scampering away, and someone calling out my name blurred together until I could no longer hear them. It went dark, warm ,salty liquid overflowed from my eyes as a waterfall of emotions came out of me. Before I knew it my knees hit the floor as the tears dripped down my face onto a small lifeless body. I picked up the small, lifeless body covered in the thick red liquid holding her close. The world around me had stopped, a sharp pain formed in my chest as I held her close. My tears overflowed from my eyes. How could someone do this? She was just a kid. She didn't deserve this, why didn't I let her stay home? All of my thoughts scrambled together as someone picked me up causing me to drop the small girl. They dragged me to the door as I tried to get out of the grip.
"Let me go! I can't live without her!" I screamed as I was dragged outside. " That's my sister dammit! My sister is gone, you can't just leave them in there!" as i fell back to my knees, my hands grasping at the ground leaving two bloody handprints. I was forced in to a car, as it drove away from the school I stared out the back window screamin for them to let me back out, for them to save her, for my little sister to be with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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