The past calls the Future, as the Worlds collide

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A swirling mass of smoke was ever so slowly dissipating, and a destroyed landscape that was once a lively metropolis, lay dead. Two beings could be seen, One Izuku Midoriya clad in darkness born from his quirk [smokescreen]. An infuriated visage on his face.

"Shigaraki, this will be the end of both you and I", calmly stated Izuku in a voice unbecoming of the sheer anger displayed on his face.

"Are you going to kill me, hah HERO!", a bellowing laugh and cry resounded in the area.

Shigaraki stood up, straightened his posture, enclosed his fists, and readied his stance. Izuku Midoriya opened his eyes wide, he thought back to a few words' gran Torino had told him a few years back.

" When you guard you don't let them hurt you when dodge you mustn't be touched when you strike you kill".

The one shrouded in darkness began to glow a quiet green as red veins appeared along his visible face.

"Harden your heart" the crackling of lightning

"Expand your consciousness" The empowering roar of thunder.

"Display authority over your thoughts", A single war cry was let out.

A blur movement, God-like speed retain from a state he called [Gear shift: Hyper manoeuvre], born from a combination of quirks [Transmission], [Fajin], and [One for All].

He struck out, swiftly, his fist seamlessly at shigara-, no at All for one's position. AFO's fist grew enlarged and defended against the attack. The ground split open, rocks flying out. And in this moment of smoke and debris, Izuku landed on one such rock, right above AFO. Another punch. AFO brought his hand up. Two almighty forces faced off. Activating float Izuku rose from the ground, flipping through the air. Upon him instantly was AFO. Grabbing Izuku by the leg he sent him wheeling into a building.

Looking up from the destroyed structure, Detroit Smash! The force of the blow crashed into AFO's side. Quite literally tearing away chunks from his body. Careening away he crashed onto the floor. A grotesque site, AFO's body was missing his torso, a detached arm lay a couple of feet away from him. His face was split apart, his jaw hanging by a single tendon. His guts were close to falling out.

"AAAhhrgh!" Izuku had never seen him cry, never shown frustration AFO was always so calm, culling, evil, and controlling. And there he was crying in frustration. His healing factor was on its last legs, every cell only had a certain number of times in which it could replicate itself. AFO was reaching his limits of regeneration.

"I hate you, Izuku Midoriya! I hate you with everything in my soul", he stood up,

"Why is it that you refuse to die", his arm was healing rapidly,

"Why even when SeNsei! Said, I could destroy everything", a semblance of Tomura was still there it seems.

"Why you ask, maybe it's because I am a hero", it was said so tiredly by Izuku that AF- no Tomura reacted. "WHAT BULLSHIT, HERO? what does that even MEAN ANYMORE! THERE ARE NO HEROES, not in this world, there was none back then to help me, there was no one, no one but sensei...".

"You know you supposed heroes, cared about nothing but fame and money "'

"That's not true" Izuku retorted.

"Then why is it that fewer heroes patrol In the poorer areas even though there are more crimes, why is it that they abandoned the slums to years of unrestrained pain and misery, let me tell you this Midoriya, Villains aren't born, We are created!".

Izuku finally decided to reply, "I am aware that society has failed you and many others like you". "But, all the INNOCENTS, THE PEOPLE, WHO HAD NOTHING TO WITH ANY OF IT, ALL THE GOOD PEOPLE whom YOU HAVE KILLED, I CAN NOT JUSTIFY ANY OF IT!!!", Izuku gasped for air after his rant, resigned he looks up,

"This is useless Tomura this conversation, I am not fighting you as Deku the last hero, but as Izuku Midoriya, an avenger, someone who simply", Izuku gazed directly into Tomura's soul "Wants to kill you".

The final fight between Izuku Midoriya and Tomura Shimura is one that will spell either the destruction of the world or will fulfill the murderous rage of an avenger. Neither side can be said to be truly wrong.


Moonlight is the light that is reflected from the sun by the moon, which illuminates, and purges darkness brought by the absence of the sun. But there was one source of burning light in a building, where flames had aroused and had been allowed to fester and spread. Caught ablaze, lay a building that had collapsed on itself. Michael carter lay trapped under debris, in a weaker part of the flames, as he was slowly cooked alive. Many bystanders lay just out of the range of the fire. Adults and parents holding their children so tightly that nails dug into the skin. They heard his screams the screams of a man, not a child who had entered the building to warn them. A man who re-entered the burning structure to save the children who were trapped.

"Why, Why, why me" a tone filled with despair

"Why did I even go in to save these people" a tone filled with regret,

"Why won't someone saves me" a tone filled with rage,

"Where are the firemen, the heroes the people who will save me" a tone filled with anguish,

"No one is coming they have left me to die" a tone filled with resignation

A siren could be heard, fire trucks entered the area. They fought the flames for hours. The people begged them to save the one who helped them. But only a burnt corpse can be found, unrecognisable as the rest of the structure collapsed burying.

Michaels's last thoughts were of the two manga that he held in his hands, of his family, of his friends, He was vanquished under the guise of heroics, which led to a hellish death.


'huh, hah, this the end ...right', Red.

'I did my best', Pain.

Nothing can be heard, nothing can be felt, nothing can be seen, nothing can be smelt. Devoid of all his senses, a mostly decayed corpse lay on the floor. Only with sheer willpower, this man retained his consciousness. Tomura Shimura had died already; the force of Deku's blows had reduced him to nothingness. Deku the hero who could do anything had died long ago, with all his friends, family, and loved ones. Leaving a husk known as Midoriya Izuku in its wake.

Gone was the boy with Veridian hair

Gone was the boy with a smile of radiant gold

Gone was the boy his sense of righteousness

Gone was Man with his thirst for revenge

Gone was the world he wanted to protect

In this battle, two lives were taken. But in death, two lives were born.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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