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For anybody out there. This is how it all started!


"Ight nigga. Said Jaylin. You gon keep saying that but it will never happen!

"Bro. Said TayTay. You just don't got faith in me I see. If I wanna be in the military I promise I'll be the best!

"Ight little bro. Said Jaylin. I'm going with you then we gone be blasting them fools together!
Both brothers laugh but then hear a bunch of yelling.
"Wait a minute. Said TayTay. What's that noise?

(Both look to their left)

"Why they running. Says Jaylin.
"I don't know nigga. Said TayTay. Wait they fighting!

As the two get out the way. They heard gunfire! from a far they could also hear talk and yelling.

"Bro. Said Jaylin while hiding behind a dumpster. Did she just say people got bitten?

"Men I can't hear shit. Said TayTay. But look right there though.
(Pointing at a girl)

"Why did she fall.? I'm going to check on her.

"Ight bet. Said TayTay. Let's both go then!

When they both walked up to the girl they both covered their noses and mouth.

"Damn. Said Jaylin. This chick stinks. And she's covered in scratches and bites. Like a dog attacked her.

"Bro. Said TayTay. What if she's a zombie!

"Bro you high right now. Said Jaylin. Because zombies are not real!

But right as he said that. The girl popped up. Blood dripping from her eyes. She growls at the two. Jaylin runs but he look back to see TayTay still there.

"Bro come on. Said Jaylin. Are you trying to become a zombie?

"What. Said TayTay. Nigga I ain't scared of this chick. Even if she is a zombie.

She gets closer swiping her hands at Tay Tay. He dodged and punches her in the nose. The zombie falls. Tay Tay stomps on the hand of the zombie 5 hard times!

"See I'm a best. Said TayTay.


When TayTay turns around he sees them. Three zombies! He runs but one manages to grab his leg. Tripping him.

Jaylin looks around for a weapon!
He sees a metal pole. He picks it up and runs to help his brother! Jaylin was able to get the zombie off of TayTay.

They both ran. But TayTay is seen limping. They make into a garage.

"Fuck fuck fuck. Said Jaylin. It's happening bro. A fucken real zombie apocalypse!

"Ahh. Said TayTay. My leg. It's hurting really bad bro. I think I'm turning. Bro find my car and go home save our family and promise me you'll keep her safe!

"No what are you talking about. Said Jaylin. I'm not going to leave you hear!

"GOOOO NOW. Said TayTay. And bro I love you man.

TayTay body begins to shake and blood runs down his eyes!

Jaylin cries while listening to his brothers yell in pain. He quickly gets it together though. He finds his brothers car. He starts it up while pulling out he sees a shadow fly by.

"What the. Said Jaylin. No please don't make me have to kill you big bro.

He puts it in drive! And then out of nowhere. A zombie version of TayTay jumps on the hood of his car.

Jaylin speeds out of the garage. He then turns hard. This makes TayTay fall of the window shield.

[present day]

So now you know how this started from my point of view. Now let me tell you how I'm doing now! First I'm all alone. But I have still managed to survive for 5 months!

I took over a elementary school in my neighborhood called "James Madison". This was my old school! I'm 18 years old and I don't go by Jaylin anymore!

So you all can call me jay. My family died trying to fight the zombies. I honestly think I'm the only human left in Chicago.

You would think it's easy to die in a zombie apocalypse. But it really hard to if you know what your doing!  I've made me a rule book! Called "HOW TO SURVIVE."

Number one: knock the head off, or shoot!
Two: have a secure and safe place to sleep!
Three: have a SYSTEM!

My system is how I eat! And stay alive. I grew my food! I have been using a the schools irrigation systems! Using the whole second floor as a greenhouse.

I was able to take Fluorescent and traditional bulbs from a Walmart! They usually beat LED bulbs in this category because they have way more spectrum.

So it closes to the sun light!

I have a total of 500 healthy plants. Fruits. Vegetables. And I was able to get my hands on some exotic fruits and herbs!

Now let's go to my animal farm! Now it's not to many animals left. But I was able to get 50 chickens from the nearest zoo. And I have horses. They are for transportation since I only have 4!

Two baby horses I just helped deliver last week. And two fully grown horses. That came from the zoo. The chickens eat seeds i gets from my fruits! And I feed the horses grain from my greenhouse.

I built a aquarium in the pool at the school. Then went to the aquarium to collect some fresh catfish. I drained the the catfish tank. And took all of them. It was 200 catfishes.

Catfish are primarily omnivorous bottom feeders that feed at night. Common food items include aquatic plants and seeds, fish, mollusks, insects and their larvae, and crustaceans.

I took the insect and larvae that was in the storage room at the aquarium. And I took 15 frogs and they have their own habitat! On the 3rd floor. Along with all the other animals.

Everyday I clean the animal floor! I get animals alive in hopes that I can recreate Chicago again!

The first floor is basically the hotel. I haven't been able to find any survivors. I was hoping that I could try to rent out rooms but have them pay by working the school.

If I had help this could work and we could expand. But I tried last weekend to no avail. I found more working guns then working humans! Speaking of guns!

I also have a collection of weapons now.
I have tons of glocks! The Glock's large capacity and light body gave it advantages over other guns. So I have been collecting each and everyone I found.

Although some single-shot pistols exist, most pistols these days are semi-automatic. So whenever I see one I collect it. A revolver is a repeating handgun that has at least one barrel and uses a revolving cylinder containing multiple chambers. I have currently collected 5 of these and only use one!

I also have big guns to! AN-94 and A AKM! The only problem is bullets I have ton of handgun bullets but only 20 boxes of ammunition for assault rifles!

The sooner I can find loyal people. The sooner I can collect at a bigger scale!
It's currently 9:00 AM. And I plan on heading out for survivors!

I checked the whole of my side of town now I'm heading for the east side. Hopefully I find some one!

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