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  Note: These minishots are inspired by English test questions from ⏃ video on YouTube.

--Vegetarian Nagisa? Nope!
Genere: Crack

"Just eat the fucking meat Nagisa!"

"NO! ⟟ told you ⟟ dont wanna eat animals anymore!"

"I don't care if you don't wanna eat them anymore, I'll shove it down your throat!"

"Karma! ⟟ told you, ⟟ ate it before and ⟟ didnt like it!"

--Broken Washing Machine, Guess who's fault.
Genere: Crack

Nagisa shook his head, ⏃ sigh of disappointment escaping him as he watched Karma try to fix their broken washing machine.

Of course, Karma was the one to break it in the first place. Got mad at it not turning on, reason being he didn't put in soap, and decided to use his strength from fighting to 'good' use.

Now, see where they are. "Karma, just call Muramatsu! His literally ⏃ motorcyclist, I'm sure he knows how to fix ⏃ washing machine. Or hey, even better! Go buy ⏃ new one! We're rich!"

Looking up, from where he was in the washing machine, Karma gave the bluenette ⏃ deadpanned annoyed face. "No."

So with that, Karma wasted ⏃ valued time to cuddle Nagisa with trying to fix ⏃ washing machine. They did end up having to go buy ⏃ new, expensive, one the next day.

Lesson learned, don't let Karma do housework.

--Nagisa is ⏃ great Teacher♡
Genere: Crack

"Now listen guys, the answers are five points each, okay?"

⏃ student, near the back, with dark purple hair styled like ⏃ anime character and hazel eyes raised his hand.

Nagisa looked over before nodding. "Yes Kuishi? Question?"

"Nagisa-Sensai, if each question is worth five points each, wouldnt you be to small in brain points to check it?"

Nagisa gave his students ⏃ deadpanned look, he should've expected ⏃ insult from his class. They are 3-5, also known as the delinquent class.

"Well, Karma-two-point-O, it happens that ⟟ made each question according to your skillset."

<I suck at making minishots TwT>

--Karma needs to learn to feed the Cat.
Genere: Crack?


"Yes Nagiaa?!"

Karma called out from his office, he was working on some homework. He was his in dorm, his roommate being Nagisa.

Of course, Karma 'pulled' some strings to get Nagisa as his roommate. The overprotective Red-head would never allow his overly girly-looking boyfriend to be in ⏃ room with ⏃ stranger.

Though, it was probably safer for Nagiaa.

Still no.

"Did you feed Meowsirs?!"

Oh shit.

Karma panicked for ⏃ second, he didnt! If Nagisa found out he didn't feed Meowsirs even ⏃ minute late, that snake would be after his blood!

"Uh- Yes! YEAH- Meowsirs is totally fed.." Karma dragged off as he continued talking.

"Are you sure, because there's no food in the bowl and she normally doesn't eat it that fast?!"

"YEAH! Maybe she was just hungry!"

"Okay, well maybe ⟟ should get her checked then?"

Annnnd, there is the over worried bluenette. Jeez, he doesn't know whether getting the Snake ⏃ cat was smart or not.

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