Reiko Mizli Aerial

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"...Hello?" a voice called out from the darkness. No one responds.

"Hello... hello?" a voice called out again, no response was met.

"Is there anyone? I feel as if the trope of me not being able to see anything is overdone..." the voice calling out once more, they decided to take the initiative to start wandering in the darkness, their hands reaching out trying to touch... something. Then they felt something solid, a wall. They placed both of their hands on it before grazing the wall, walking forward. Seconds later, they felt a small bump.

"Oh... oh it's a light switch!" they exclaimed before flicking it. Suddenly the lights on the ceiling flashed, blanketing the room with light. It gave the voice sight, and temporary blindness due to the sudden flash. After their eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness, they observed the room. A couch over there, clothes littered across the floor, a computer that isn't turned on, and a small mattress. There's a doorway as well, next to the doorway to its right is a mirror. They gazed upon the mirror, a familiar sight greets them.

"It's me, my top hat is still there, my green cape is still on as well, oh my hair is just as ruffled as before but... who cares, and I guess I'm still intact. Huh. I expected to be changed in a sense, it's me! Luff Yumeko Crisellia Mizli, no one else..."

As Luff stared at the mirror, they observed the room once more-it appears the room has no window-oh wait it's just covered up by curtains. They opened the curtains, revealing that the world outside of them is still dark. They looked back on the mirror-still themselves.

"I don't... remember looking like that." A voice heard at the back of Luff's head, "My hair is all wrong! It's green, not white-and I have a top hat instead of a witch hat!"

"Wh-HUH?! Who's there!?" Luff shouted in surprise, looking around the room, trying to identify any possible culprits in the background.

"Eh?! Who's where?!" the voice shout out again.

"Are you... in my head?" Luff responded, albeit with a shaky voice.

"...No? I mean-yes? But no? But-look I don't understand..." the voice said again

"What's your name?" Luff interrogated the voice in their head.

"Reiko Affluent Sumire, friend of Elianna Vernitas and the famous spell caster who summons ghosts, what about you?" the voice spouted back with a pride tone.

"Luff Yumeko Crisellia Mizli of... uh... a treehouse above the sky and home to 6 memories who regularly speak in my brain. You're not one of them."
"Aw I feel wounded." Reiko audibly sighed, "I thought I was special"

"In your dreams buddy, you can't go around and jumping into people's brains!" Luff retorted, quite annoyed.

"Why would I do that?! Did I ask for this?! Nope! Nuh-uh! I have standards!" Reiko countered

"... Man I thought I was going to sleep well too..." A new voice emerged into Luff's consciousness. It carried a sleepy tone.

"Oh? Another one? Hi! I'm Reiko, call me Rei." Reiko introduced, again.

"Ah...? I'm Area Aerial, nice to meet you I guess." The third voice said.

"Woah woah woah, I did not ask my consciousness to be a meeting place, I do not need more memories speaking inside my brain-speaking of which... where are the memories...? Huh... I don't... remember?" Luff worriedly spoke, their hands clasping their forehead as their pupils dilated.

"I'm sure you'll get your memories back" Area assured Luff, to which Luff shook their head.

"Nope! I don't think I have amnesia, I remember who I am, but... I have different memories but they're not... here?" Luff tried to explain their predicament to Area.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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